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NEW Video Cops Engaging Trump Shooter, Spotted 90 MIN Prior

The Analyst (New Real Media)
Published on 30 Jul 2024 / In News and Politics

Jeff Ostroff examines NEW video evidence of the police engaging the shooter at Donald Trump's assassination attempt in Butler, PA. You will also see screenshot text messages alerting fellow officers from police assigned to the building overlooking the shooting scene as officers first spot the shooter 90 minutes before the shooting, which is a lot earlier than the previous 60 minutes we have been told up until now. You'll also see segments from ABS's exclusive interview on GMA with the local Beaver County swatt officers who spotted and photographed the shooter, sparking the intense search for him on the grounds of the AGR building.

You'll see an analysis of the site where the attempted assassination of Donald Trump Occurred. Witness video, photos, and expert testimony will provide additional info.

WATCH: β€œLocal SWAT team speaks out for 1st time on Trump assassination attempt”

WATCH: "Trump Rally - Butler, PA. 07/13/24. Extended Cut" By Dayve Stewert RealDJStew724

00:00 Intro new evidence and shooting timeline video
01:05 Text messages from the first cop who spotted the shooter
02:33 Which picnic table was the Trump shooting suspect first seen by police?
03:11 ABC exclusive interview with police snipers who spotted the shooter
05:03 Dayve Stewart witnesses video of cops engaging the suspect
07:20 6:08 PM 3 minutes before the shooting cops searching
09:35 Trooper on top of picnic table looking for trump shooter
10:35 Police yell at crowds to get away from the building
10:45 Other witnesses who might have video
11:25 6:11 PM Trump shooting begins
13:03 Police said kill confirmed on Trump shooter
13:24 Undercover police checking windows on a one-story building under a shooter
14:36 Cop who shot 1st picture of Trump shooter is shown
15:01 First official ladder is brought in after Trump shooting
15:43 Debunking the theory that the Trump shooter used the pallet
16:28 Cops discussing ladders and access to the roof
17:28 3 minutes after shooting
19:00 Cops yelling at non-law enforcement people to leave
19:21 Police arrest and handcuff witness for shooting video

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