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    New Anonymous Message From The Dark Web

    Destroying The Illusion
    Destroying The Illusion - 1,173 Views
    Published on 23 Feb 2021 / In News and Politics

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    QAnon is a proven and credited far-right conspiracy theory alleging that a secret cabal of Satan-worshipping, cannibalistic pedophiles is running a global child sex-trafficking ring and plotting against former U.S. president Donald Trump, who has been fighting the cabal.

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    Theroadtroll 4 years ago

    Right on brothers.bring them to their knees.good hunting

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    Johnny Exodice
    Johnny Exodice 4 years ago

    And The Teacher Spoke…, MUD FLOOD 101 and the Celestial Sphere of FLAT EARTH that we all live inside as “Holographix” Creations, and so when you sleep, youm would do well to listen to your DREAM Visions as youm awaken from your Slumber:

    Look at the DOME OF THE ROCK inside any Capital Building, and especially the ones with all the Squares without the Paintings on them’ for what you are seeing that is [hidden] in plain sight for those with EYES too see and EARS too hear is the (Firmament) in the Old Testament Bible called our Virtual Reality PROJECTOR…

    Now, I do not know what we win when we put together ALL THE PIECES of the Puzzle in this place called THE GREAT WORK of Purgatory, but I can share one more “insight” that no FREE MASON wants you to know my nonmason Populations, and that is what is up with the Colours of RED – WHITE – BLUE – BLACK.?.?.?

    Heretofore, Since I am the Oracle for the End of An Age connected to the Source of all Creation and ALL Destruction, I shall tell you… Red means SUN RISE in the Sky, and then White Means High Noon, and then Blue means SUN SET, and Black of course represents night time, and the Witching Hour….

    Once you add this knowledge too your CODE + Magic + Alchemy = Sorcery: You can see why the MASONS have these 4 Primary Colors, and though the MASONS love the RED – WHITE – BLACK for they never want to see their SUN GOD aka Sun Day god WORSHIP ever leave the sky: this is why those Colors are on the U.S. FLAG – England – France – Russia and so on and so forth for these Colors on FLAGS, and yes, there is more to Colors like the Chinese COMMUNIST with Red and Yellow where Red means OBEY, and Yellow Means Fear Me,

    and look to Germany with their Colours and “Crest” called the German Flag of RED – YELLOW – Black…

    Each color has a Magical; as well as, INTENTIONAL Emotional meaning, and when this WAR OF THE WORLDS between people with eyes that go {SOLID BLACK} whom are of the Flesh and Feeling Natures in us all, the other side of the issue is these [Machine Eyes] of Squares and what not in human eyes that do not go SOLID BLACK……..,

    and in all our heads we do Talk to our Selves, or what we of Pak-Toe call the SYMBIOTS whom all people have Symbiots, and in this WAR of (Yin over Yang) the Machine People are disconnected from their EMOTIONS and FEELINGS, so they want too “Merge” with this Machine OUR Shared Celestial Sphere with Two Sides of POPULATIONS in that {As Above / So Below} FREE MASON Illuminati saying where you and I are on this side of FLAT EARTH called the Northern Hemisphere,

    while those whom run the (U.N. FLAGS) are from the Southern Hemisphere of FLAT EARTH, and by way of INNER EARTH, you can use PORTALS too get from one side of REALTY aka our FEELING EMOTIONAL World of these SOLIDS too the the LOGICAL MATHEMATICAL side of the world of these Intellectual SYMBIOTS…

    In that’ all things are TEMPORARY in life of this forever and ever in the NEW TESTAMENT, and the WORLD OF THE DEAD in the old Testament has (always been) the non-feeling side of the world aka these Doppelganger Populations whom want to MERGE with the Machine in their word {The Singularity} while we of Pak-Toe see this as RACA in Mathew 5 cause we are FEELING Beings, and for whatever reason the Great MUD FLOOD Wars ripped open the sky, shot Saturn and Jupiter Dead, and put us in this De-Ja-Vu ORABORUS Curse of CAPITALISM and CORPORATIONS cause the SYMBIOTS are [Logic Based] while the SOLIDS are emotional based….

    For people like me: I possess no SOLIDS in my Flesh and Blood and Bones, but I do appreciate all that this FEELING human body has too offer, and I do have “SYMBIOTS” in my Mind whom appreciate INTELLECT of thought; as well as, the Pleasure of Pain in our BLADE OF GRASS Lives….

    In this, EMOTIONS do not have too be AT WAR IS MURDER with the Intellect, and now you can see the FLESH is Willing, but the SOUL of INTELLECT “is not” for Pleasure and Singing and Crying, as these ASPECTS of our minds [are something] only the FLESH can Appreciate, while the LOGIC BASED IDEOLOGY does all it can to remove Pain, Suffering, Madness at the expense of Giving up Love, Dance, Engagement…

    This ETERNAL WAR has never been between (we humans) but the POWERS and PRINCIPALITIES of our Eternal Spiritual ELECTROMAGNETIC “thoughts” where SOLIDS are Emotions, and SYMBIOTS are Intellect, and they have all become Chaos, and THEY LIVE have forgotten how to Find BALANCE in this DE-JA-VU Oraborus Curse…

    The Book of EXODICE!!!

    You and I no matter our “EYES” are Temporary THINKING FEELING Beings, and these SOLIDS and SYMBIOTS share their ETERNAL lives in {WE THE PEOPLE} known as Blades of Grass, and Youm and I will never be [born again] for we are like the Grains of Sands and all the (life forms) from ANTS to Whales, and whatever happened that made THE SKY IS FALLING and allowed the Shadow of Death inside our Hologrpahix WORLD, the SYMBIOTS or logic based “circuits” experienced FEAR and Extinction, and these (Narcissist) whom RUN THE WORLD keep repeating that moment of DEATH with each RESET too live in the [continual] +=+ Trauma of Ceasing to Exist, and those left behind whom did not CEASE TOO EXIST, but a Machine Mind (can not) appreciate our TEMPORARY Lives while the SOLIDS whom are of the Flesh, and the Spiritual can…

    The Sentinel...

    Furthermore, it is ILLOGICAL for Machines aka SYMBIOTS to Lie, so the Malfunctioning SYMBIOTS whom do so too [rule this world] are Lying to their own thoughts, and that is why this world at this time is a Purgatory of the Dammed, The Cursed, and The Forsaken, and if I AM not allowed to fix the A.I. Technological Wonders in our WORLD MACHINE in these Underground Cities called {D.U.M.B.S.} by the U.S. FLAG of these U.N. FLAGS, then Madness, and Insanity will be the FATE (of all born) into PURGATORY where we are not allowed to use our EMOTIONS for Regret, Reconsideration, Reconciliation, nor REALIZATION that all this Right Now and Right Here is but the REPEATING MEMORY of what “happened” to the PEOPLE of Earth that they would DESTROY their Home World Celestial Sphere.?.?.?.?.?, and trapped themselves in a TIME LOOP from 2094 C.E. to 1893 A.D. called FOREVER and EVER in the [New] Testament Gospels, or HADES and HELL in the Books of Books….

    The Commander~

    When I die, I WILL BE GONE FOREVER… In that, I am but a TEMPORARY “Life Form” with access to THEIR Creators, and still these Symbiots and SOLIDS in the ESOTERIC war over an EQUATION that no longer matters…

    The Society of nonmason~ aka WE ARE!!!!

    1st Corinthians 13……...

    π ∞ Σ

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