Never Give Up Jam Session: Find Out Who You Really Are (21 Sec. Mark)
At the 00:21 sec. mark: What do you learn about yourself when everything goes your way? You learn that you can keep going when there are no obstacles or trials.
But what about when the storm, obstacles and trials come?
Can you keep going when everything does NOT go your way? This is the test God gives to each of us so we can find out who we really are.
God reveals the victory or miracle through you when you do not give up.
We all have trials, we all have obstacles. God knows all and in his own due time and in his own way he will reveal the victory and miracle through you.
You were given talents from God to fulfill divine purposes. The world cannot see your divine purposes and the world is not who you should listen to because the wisdom of the world will lead you down the wrong path since Babylon does not know what God knows and has not given you what the Creator has given you.
It's the effort that matters and it's the effort that God cares about. As long as you keep getting back up and giving your best effort, every divine purpose you were given will be fulfilled.
Never Give Up!
Timothy McGaffin II
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