Network Security 101: Full Workshop
SecureSet is a cybersecurity academy with campuses in Denver and Colorado Springs CO, as well as Tampa FL. We also host events in Austin TX and DC Metro. Join us for our next FREE Hacking 101 event!
Your HARD WARE [cell phones] Qballs~ /_\ all have a MAC Address, and that is why you buy a "New Phone" with cash, or your Real Name and a Crypto Credit Card too Make New Algorithms......., so if you have too go to MADE IN CHINA cause your Girlfriend or Husband is in HONG KONG, youm will leave your (most used) [{**}] PHONE in the USA, and book the Flight with your {New Phone Number} and Email and GPS turned on once you show up at the Airport, and then Turn off that GPS when you return from ISRAEL of Saudi Arabia: at the Return Airport when you get back to your HOME U.N. FLAG Nation, and then Put that CELL PHONE for future Global Pass Port Travel in a LEAD BOX........., so it can [not be found] [{*}] even it is turned on cause X-RAYS and Microwaves can not (Penetrate) +=+ LEAD anymore the Super Girl or Super Man.... #TheCrewRRR ?