NESARA / GESARA - its all just a movie and i can prove it
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melania is a Tranny dummy
go look up the vids
trump is tranny too
that all pn the same side
lokkin ta get over on the sheeple again
and yes they are clones
and the real ones live off lanet enjoying the universal technology
better Affidavit their asses
to learn
youtuber; Winston Shrout
who was just put in FEDERAL PRRISON for Sharing the BANKRUPTCY FO and utilyzing the Creditor position
better expise it all

dont believe polititions and attorneys
they wanna make SLAVE JOBS GREAT AGAIN with higher pay and great perks
truth is folks
Q and lin wood aint telling you the US CORPORATE GOVT MILITARY BANKRUPTCY and how we the People are the Creditor to the bankruptcy
these polititions steal the peoples Credit starting at the hospital with the birth certificate application bond and the BIRTH CERTIFICATE
knowing that we are the Creditor and that the Secretary of state is the Record holder for whos he DEBTOR and Creditor and the same Secretary state controlls the voting
shoukd tell you folks clones are diverting you from the Creditor position which means
as Creditor to the US CORPORATE BANKRUPTCY, everything as and is to be Treasury Pre-Paid
and Trumps Great Again kan is the SLAVE JOB DIVERSION
its a Double diversion from the thugs who dont want you get out from unddr CITIZEN JURISFICTION so they can keep telling you what to do- DUE
raher than bring out the Universal Advanced Technology where we dont need Govt or any obe tell us what to due
we would all be equal in power and couldnt be tricked
thats called ; SELF GOVERNANCE
huh ?
better read the july 4, 1776 Declaration
whats it say
abolish the govt and be Self Governed
go read it
read through the webster Dictionary program bithes

Very good video / yes all these movies produced by this man Minuchi
Using the power of suggestion / mk ultra mind programming / I believe WE us humans (before the vaccine) are co-creators, we were born of the image of God. So knowing this the dark ones are constantly bombarding our minds w these images through the tell-a-vision / engraining our subconscious minds w visions of strife war etc..
Therefore helping these things come into reality. So yes in a way / this producer has helped produce the current reality we are finding ourselves in.
I think that makes very good sense indeed.
And in knowing this for many years - I’m not watching tv much n if I do it’s programs that uplift my spirit not full w destructive images.
I like too & promote visions of nature’s beauty harmony & love as much as possible. Each thought we have is energy - this energy is a collective mind of the world / let’s raise our awareness to be better servants of the world we all wish to be a part of. The world I believe we came from initially / heaven on earth. I am Keeping my focus there / this helping to create it here n now.
Peace & Blessings

when I found this out I was freaking geeking out! it is true about Mnuchin. I looked it up and saw it myself. My thing is this. He was an investment banker and movie producer and now Sec. of Treasury. How does anyone have such a diverse career path? I work for investment bankers and they are usually one from the time they graduate college until the get old and retire on some board of some major company. They rarely go into making films then becoming a government employee. His roles are all roles in a movie!

Nice job. NESARA implemented Jan 1st. Watch it roll out via relief cheques to start with. Whole new age coming. Watch the Military tribunals dwarf the Nurenburg Trials. 2021 will be a good movie: sequel to 2020. Keep up the good work bro.