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Mustard Seed Vs The MARK of the BEAST system

RogueNotes - 219 Views
Published on 25 Nov 2021 / In Film and Animation

A little homegrown animation, to a classical Waltz.
The QR CODE - Know Thy Enemy...........
" No man shall buy nor sell without the mark"
Once your DNA (sacred blood)through CONSENTED
Schwab testing" is "collected"
forever locked in BLOCK-CHAIN it will be..... 3D

The GRAVEN Image, not Good, not God, not Yahweh.

McAfee indelible software, remember the security removal video, gotta admit, admire his Balls!

Ask your banker to demonstrate how you are to access your money if the grid goes down, unwise me thinks, to put all your eggs in one digital, eternal basket, without 7 year God's law debt removal?
Once in the system, no deletion possible, unless total deletion!
Nonaggression urban tips - Alter the DNA of QR code - practical spiritual virology, they messed with us, give them a nonchalant smile back, get artistic!
"connect the dots" with a smiley face, render them a FAD of the past that seldom work.
The "test" from now on, is the MARK collection database, hmmmm, I wonder who owns that?
Brilliant work to all the Brave and wise.
Like the Spoon,
There is no Virus.
Well if you wanted to be a medical hero, that changed the world and alleviated suffering forever,
this is the TIME,
and the CHANCE.
Totally doable,
Good Luck.

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