Musk Makes Twitter Move, Dr. Bryan Ardis & Snake Venom, Fake Agents Released, Ophirex Dig
Elon Musk has made an all cash offer to buy Twitter at 54.20 cents a share. Mr. Musk says this is his best and final offer and if the offer is not accepted he will have to "reconsider his position as a shareholder". Dr. Bryan Ardis has come forward and is alleging there is snake venom being put into remdesivir and also into certain states drinking water. His slide show is asking the question was Covid 19 actually coming from snakes instead of bats. I look into one of the companies he speaks about called Ophirex who is working on a universal snakebite antidote and has been given multi million dollar grants from the U.S. Army amongst others. New York Subway shooter turned himself into crime stoppers. He has 9 prior arrests. First bus of illegal aliens dropped off in Washington D.C. sent from Texas. Fake DHS Agents released from jail. The judge did not consider each of them a flight risk and both were released to their fathers. Why was Mark Meadows registered to vote in two different states? I look into the different cash awards given to the company Ophirex. More news.
(Dr. Ardis Interview Steele Truth)

musk could get twitter for free., it does not worth anything

As far as the snake Venom thing, I wouldn't put it past them and it would also fall right in line with there Luciferian agenda. To be honest I don't care what it is that's making people sick. They made there bed now they can sleep in in it. Along with all there self righteous judgment and peer pressure to commit genisode by suicide with the vaccination. It's us or them now. Just saying my friend... it's survival of the smartest and fittist now. If you aren't smart enough to do your research before injecting chemicals into your body and are not fit now bc if it. Serves you right !!! Only people I feel bad for are those who had to do it to provide for the families by keeping there jobs.

I was in the shower getting ready for work.when I heard Brian killmead say falcon rising smoke bombs and 33 shots on fox and friends the morning after the hoax. That's when it hit me in an instant. I haven't bin more sure of anything as i am in my gut about this being an occult event.

The news loves 33 to by the way it's always 33. Look into that and the other magic numbers of course to. Over and over again. That these stories somehow seem to just by chance always involve. And during this gun control Push this week.Come on people wake the fuck up. !!!

The phoenix is said to be the soul of the Sun-God Ra. We're dealing with those who worship the light. Lucifer is the barer of light. Cast to the ashes of hell to rise again for a short period of time. The falcon rising smoke bombs say it all. Then add 33 the age of Christ and the Freemasons highest degree. So obvious to trained eyes.