Mumbai Doctor Tests Covid Positive Thrice, Twice After Both Vaccine Doses.mp4
#Anonymous# - 253 Views
Published on 27 Jul 2021 / In News and Politics
Jul 27, 2021
Mumbai Doctor Tests Covid Positive Thrice, Twice After Both Vaccine Doses
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4 years ago
If Vaccines Prevented then there would be NO MORE FLU.
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4 years ago
Why is it So Hard for you to Understand: vaccines do NOT prevent from catching or transmitting.
They are Only meant to Lessen the severity of the affects of the virus to the human body by small amount.
Besides that the Test are NOT accurate. Stated by the maker of that test.
The head virologist of china and the cdc BOTH said that the covid19 virus was NEVER ISOLATED.
How can you create a TEST or a VACCINE for a virus that isn't isolated from any other part of the human body?
You can't because the test will detect other parts of the body also and give a FALSE POSITIVE.
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