Mr. Bullet Feeder Die ($5.00 Adapter) Lee multi tube bullet feeder!
Bullet feeder die adapter connects Mr Bullet Feeder to the Lee Multi Tube Bullet Feeder. For Less Than Five Bucks! As a bonus I show how I connected My Lee Case Feeder to My Dillon 650 with just two zip ties!

Keep getting the word out about UGETUBE! Thanks!

Love your stuff Elvis! Keep on keeping on. I've learned a ton from you.

Elvis you are the man!! I've got the Mr. Bullet Feeder die also and it works just as you say, perfect. In response to hbirch - there is a powder funnel that Alpha Dynamics makes that flares the case. On my Hornady LNL AP it fits inside the powder measure assembly. Not sure how the one for Dillon works, but I assume it is probably close to the same. Keep the great videos coming, Thanks

It isn't clear to me how you flare the case to prepare for the bullet dropping into place from the feeder. Is there a special device or brand of expander that you use?