Mr Anderson Brings You The News At 60 Minutes
60 Minutes would have you believe the CoronaVirus outbreak starting with Team USA at the 2019 Wuhan Games was a story created by conspiracy theorists. In actual fact, the story started from the Chinese Foreign Ministry.
60 Minutes would have you believe the CoronaVirus outbreak starting with Team USA at the 2019 Wuhan Games was a story created by conspiracy theorists. In actual fact, the story started from the Chinese Foreign Ministry.
Been following you .......Sir ........since the beginning....after researching your news on my own.....Your record against msm fake much much more fact msm has very little credibility...........they would wise to listen to you .........Sir.......
So again, George your reporting the real truth is way out in front of everyone else, John, the "knee cap" analogy is perfect way to explain their panic. Stay on it all GW, you are doing spectacular work.
How do you reduce the number of recorded COVID 19 deaths??
Stop paying the hospitals to record COVID deaths. Remunerate the hospitals to declare deaths and treatments for Oompalumpah flu Guess what? We will have a new pandemic!,