MORTGAGE FRAUD 18 HS3 Railway Plans and the fraud
Wake-The-Fake-UP Q - 95 Views
Published on 14 Nov 2020 / In People and Blogs
I am publishing this videos as my friend Graham which is held in a Secure Unit in Hull after the arrest on the 5th November 2020 without charge!
I try to get People on board to support me to help Graham to get released.
Perhaps some out of the 19 videos I upload make no sense to you but they are all related to this crime.
I'm not a professional editor and I try to get the message out there as he tried the last 2 years to get the police in Hull to investigate this corruption.
I upload altogether 19 videos please stay tuned and subscribe and share please
Do your own research and get your Deeds and paperwork together and find out by yourself.
Thank you
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