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MORGELLON (Disease?) FIBERS found in PPE2 Corona Masks 26 March 21 in Germany

eeZee ~ goingb0nk3rs
eeZee ~ goingb0nk3rs - 91,269 Views
Published on 28 Mar 2021 / In Health

I could not believe this myself! almost 10 years ago as I research lots I came across these strange fibers crawling out of wounds that people when they did go to doctors for simply got told they were deluded and crazy, although over the years more interest developed and research got done and many video clips are still available on youtube online (for now?) about it. BUT now finding this crawling around in a freshly opened package from a pharmacy with a brand new mask you are meant to wear containing these...? A.I.? Aliens? Fiber more likely to be some dark army group experiment decided to use maybe for all those who don't want to get vaccinated and contaminated by the so-called test where they shove these nanofibres in your nose, right by the Celebreum to enter your brains and be trackers or what?

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Bodhi Searcher
Bodhi Searcher 4 years ago

Crazy. What’s the deal with the fibers? Does anyone know what they are for sure?

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eeZee ~ goingb0nk3rs
eeZee ~ goingb0nk3rs 3 years ago

@Bodhi Searcher, if you look up Morgellons disease or Fibers you will find 1 million pages and pictures about them but they are not defined in one human database, I just bought myself a microscobe to do some research myself, i just need to grab 2 with tweezers and hold them in a fire because they are known to be able to resist upto 1700 degrees Fahrenheit!..its Nano material and ones in your body people have scratch themself to death even whilst 4 outof 5 doctors say its all in their mind!

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Joel S Hirschhorn
Joel S Hirschhorn 4 years ago

Would like to be on this podcast because of my new book Pandemic Blunder:
Bold New Book Pandemic Blunder Shows How Government Caused Preventable Covid Deaths
A huge amount of data and information not covered by mainstream media are in Pandemic Blunder that tells the story of how over 300,000 Americans have died from COVID-19 unnecessarily because the government has blocked early home treatment and prevention. With over 500,000 COVID deaths, learning about safe and effective early home treatment/prevention is more important than ever.
About the Book:Pandemic Blunder contains considerable medical information and data to support a number of proven safe, cheap generic medicines and protocols that knock out the coronavirus when given early. Read about the pioneering, courageous doctors who have been using innovative approaches to prevent their COVID patients from needing hospital care and facing death. The book includes many expert opinions from doctors who support the view that 70 to 80 percent of COVID deaths could have been prevented—and still can be. Don’t be victimized by disinformation and propaganda. Learn how corrupt forces are aiming to make billions of dollars from expensive medicines and vaccines, and how hundreds of thousands of deaths could have—and should have—been prevented!
Podcasts with author:
Book Review:
New recent articles:

About the Author: Dr. Joel S. Hirschhorn has a long history of working on health issues. As a full professor at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, he directed a medical research program between the colleges of engineering and medicine. As a senior official at the Congressional Office of Technology Assessment and the National Governors Association, he directed major studies on health-related subjects and he testified at over 50 US Senate and House hearings. He has authored hundreds of articles in journals and on websites, plus op-ed articles in major newspapers. Dr. Hirschhorn has served as an executive volunteer at a major hospital for more than 10 years. He is a member of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, and America's Frontline Doctors.
Pandemic blunder is defined as the failure of the United States public health system and federal agencies to support and promote early home/outpatient treatment for the COVID-19 pandemic disease. Considerable medical information and data convincingly show that when given early a number of proven safe, cheap generic medicines and protocols knock out the coronavirus. Early means within the first few days of getting symptoms or a positive test. Some pioneering and courageous doctors have been using innovative approaches to prevent their covid patients from needing hospital care and facing death. Many expert views of doctors and Real World Evidence support the view that 70 percent to 80 percent of covid deaths could have been prevented – and still can for future victims of the disease. Learn how hundreds of thousands of deaths could have and should have been prevented.
This book does more than describe the pandemic blunder, it can help Americans protect their lives by not being victimized by disinformation and propaganda from leftist media. Pandemic management has failed because of corrupt forces aiming to make billions of dollars from expensive medicines and vaccines. There has been a widespread dereliction of duty on the part of many local, state, and federal government officials.

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eeZee ~ goingb0nk3rs
eeZee ~ goingb0nk3rs 3 years ago

@Joel S Hirschhorn sorry i only just got my own microscobe to further investigate them as reports are coming in now from all countries that they are being found, i will be happy to include you and your research in the next podcast and filiming andd will get in touch!

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Eyeson 4 years ago

Stop wearing them and wake up

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eeZee ~ goingb0nk3rs
eeZee ~ goingb0nk3rs 4 years ago

@Eyeson, indeed, but if you MUST make simple on outof a 2 litre plastic bottle, its simple and really NOTHING gets though that, not even these Morgellon Fibers!!...well so i hope. Its just here where i am if we go into thecity center in busy shopping areas when they are open etc you must wear them and if not... 250 Euro fine, in a car with others your responsible for them too so the fine is 750 Euro on the spot! Trying to play with them verbally and you go to court because you caused trouble and if you defend yourself the same way you get Collocated or the other word that escapes me now in english "Put under an -bewindvoering- but it trasnlate to be putting under me clip off the movie I Care a Lot because they applied it to my poor old mum!! Oh yeah its what happened with Britney Spears where her dad became to one in control. So better smooth talk the cops very smartly pretending you like them, any violence and you get ripped by a dog into dogfood or beat you up so bad like must have seen enough in action, i also made a documentary how to defend you against the police now in this WW3 situation. its 1 of the so far little list of clips i started here, they killed my facebook basically, ghostblocked it, and already took about 270 clips down, withou the option of letting you back it up!

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Crash45 4 years ago

i suppose it's all part of the experiment right? thanks for showing. sick people out there man. im glad ive only worn one of them for a span of 5 minutes in the last year of the scamdemic.

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eeZee ~ goingb0nk3rs
eeZee ~ goingb0nk3rs 4 years ago

@Crash45, yup must be indeed all part of this sick montrousious plan of the same world running olligards, governements controlled by them just maffia, i keep hoping its all wrong and its the aliens who landed and are now putting fibers in us to do some good but having looked into all that for 2 decades minimum too, Aliens or Eben as they now get referred to and is more/newer name being used. Will not interferre with us or what goes on on the planet, ONLY and with plenty of proof even still on oldskool Youtube - so must be Fucked Chuckers approved!? - they WILL and DO interferre with nuclair boms and attacks, many times to turn up in milli or nano seconds and with 4 'beams' took a nuclair misseles down, splonge into the sea, also prevented another base to have after an accidential alarm block all 10 of their opening gates to launch. This is because after we have about 2500 that we made explode already it started to affect them too and THEIR space. Which is kinda cool we know they will stop atomic nuclair war. But for the rest they said we have to be able to get to a 1 degree planet ourself! Meanins looking after ourself without war and also no polution etc, 2nd degree would be to control our 9 planets alike, and 3rd degree would be being able to go..well..Star where no one ever been b4 intergalactic. But knowing we already blew our planet into smittereens 5 times in about 400 million year and we are about to do so very nearly for a 6th time it might still take a while, unles they would DISCLOSE the lot and in 1 year everything would be fixed and we alive for minium 10X longer etc. On that level if interested the must check out at least is Dr Greer with his 50 strong team of wistleblowers from CIA / FBI / Presidents, Astronauts, Darpa etc. He has been UFO reaserching now 40 years and is an A&E doctor himself. now ill shut TF up ;) altho if ye wanna befriend even FB just look for eeZee E - from the Dj carriere behind me and eeZeedoesIT from my co and many a other things ;)

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what the fuck was 2020

Just found these on 3 masks today, not a clue what they are so if anyone knows can you share some info?

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RaiseUrVibration 4 years ago

morgellons are inorganic fibers that can only be destroyed at 1400 fahrenheit minimum. they act as antennae essentially making us human semiconductors.

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eeZee ~ goingb0nk3rs
eeZee ~ goingb0nk3rs 4 years ago

@LovePotion: Thnx ever so much for adding that, as i said i came across Morgellon disease and fibres more then a decade ago so when 2 weeks ago someone in our group went look what i found in a fresh unopened masker which they filmed, I thought this is actually a world primer as i had not come across it yet, it didnt take long after putting this up and sending people to it from the 9 groups and 12 pages i have been keeping myself busy before it somewhat shot viral a bit. I knew they are NOT in any database worldwide as what material it actually is and knew it could withstand 1000 degrees Celsius. So ive also seen them move, attract eachother but what keeps me puzzled for now is it that they could 'grow' together outof the sparkles 7/10 of a mm squared found on the testing kits they like to shove up your BBB in your nose? Because they clearly with the other heavy metals come down with the chemtrails imo, and that is why they love to encourage us to always go sit outside in the open air where you basically get rained upon by these? So lets say they start off with these tiny squares or ready grown and moving fibers like worms, how can i stop them from entering my space? Shamefully enough I do not have money for airco with filters like in Hospital or class 5? ones lke in airoplanes. A reply here or personal is possible too, just reply here whivh way which app, encrypted proton or signal maybe etc? And many thanks again for helping with the clear add on! 1 Love

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eeZee ~ goingb0nk3rs
eeZee ~ goingb0nk3rs 4 years ago

@what the fuck was 2020 : try not to use google but eg duckduckgo and do a search for MORGELLONs disease/fibres, you will find more then 100000 sites and clips and pics, but i have to warn you for some of it it takes a STRONG stomach as its freshly outof one of the best horror movies you would say! I still got some Q's about it myself obviously but been keeping an eye on these online for more then a decade amongts the many other stuff, Im incapacitated and got COPD too so my life is15to20Hrs daily! Any qustions get back in touch here and suggest which way you prefer to chat or communicate, I dont know your skillset but I prefer to do most encrypted but if it has to be messenger so be it, to start ;) 1 Love and stay tuff!

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RaiseUrVibration 4 years ago

@goingb0nk3rs: Gene Decode has a process for detoxing these foreign objects from the body. check out blessed to teach youtube. God bless.

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eeZee ~ goingb0nk3rs
eeZee ~ goingb0nk3rs 3 years ago

@LovePotion: I finally received my own microscobe for more research and film them myself where i will also hold them in fire to show what heat they can resist. I must be honest and on your last reply i clicked the thumbps up happy there is a solution but i also have to be honest i dont understand how you mean doing this, would you mind giving some more feedback and how exavtley they can be removed? I tahnk you in advance, 1 Love!

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