I too think 2021-01-06 is going to be a pivotal day for the USA, and the rest of the world. Whatever happens here, is going to happen worldwide. The massive election fraud is well-proven now. Most politicians and judges in the USA have been bought off or blackmailed into siding with the Communist New World Order Deep State and Shadow Government. It is clear that President Trump did win the election with a huge margin, perhaps as high as 400 or more of the 538 electoral college votes, so I can understand why the majority of people here are ready to go to war. Several mathematicians have even said it is statistically impossible that he lost. President Trump has been making key changes in personnel, which is something a person does that doesn't plan on surrendering, so I do think he is positioning himself to put down the insurrection with the use of the U.S. military. Most other people on earth also feel what happens here is going to effect them too, so worldwide protests for Trump are going on all the time, but they are not being carried on Mainstream Media, and not allowed on most social media and video upload sites in the USA because Big Tech is part of the coup. I am both retired military and retired law enforcement, and I have been hearing about off-duty and retired former co-workers going to Washington, DC for the protest to support Trump, and they are going well-armed. It appears many Patriots, Military, Law Enforcement, State Militia members, Military Veterans, and pro-2nd amendment citizens are also going well-armed. If the coup is not halted dead in its tracks on 2020-01-06 and the entire system of voting in the USA doesn't get thrown out and scraped, then it is very likely a Civil War will happen here. Hopefully the Civil War is not a planned part of the New World Order agenda itself, but I agree, that date is critical for the USA and the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights. Time will tell if enough people show up or not, I think it will need to be several million people (rather than just one million), and a majority of them will need to be packing (for sure). This will likely also be the end of the 2nd Amendment here, if enough armed people don't show up to turn the tide.
Note: I am definitely not a Trump lover, to me, he is part of the lesser evil. I have been an Anarchist since I Fully Woke Up and became a Conscious Truther. I will say that if Joe Biden and Kamala Harris getaway with the coup, then the New World Agenda will ride in on the wave of the COVID-19 mRNA GMO Vaccinations and the citizens of the USA and the rest of the world will be beyond the POINT OF NO RETURN.
The Salty Cracker
Note: The SERGEANT MAJOR'S TRUTHER INFO group with 33,500 members was deleted by FaceBook/Government on 01/24/20. The SERGEANT MAJOR'S TRUTHER INFO channel with 50,000 subscribers was deleted by YouTube/Government on 02/14/20.
"The 5 rules to AWAKENING: Rule #1 - Everything you were ever taught is a lie by design; Rule #2 - governments lie 100% of the time, they always have, and they always will; Rule #3 - the Illuminati controlled mainstream media is not reality, but rather is lies, disinformation, half-truths, and fake events carried out by gov/media hired crisis actors (aka role players); Rule #4 - Spirituality and Reincarnation are reality, whereas religions are simply government crowd control measures; and Rule #5 - this plane(t) called earth is a flat, motionless plane, it is not a spinning ball hurling through outer space. Furthermore, the 4 Sources of Disinformation that are ALWAYS FAKE: government, mainstream media news, matrix sciences, and religions." -- Sergeant Major

The Miracle of Mankind…
Born of the Flesh, and the Bone, and the Blood of my Mother and Father, I come into existence, and upon the First Breath I breath, I know I am no longer in the “Womb” of my Creator and My Protector… I must now venture out into this world of the unknown until I am grown, and even then’ many a MAN be you Male or Female will have no idea where you are, what you are, or why you are… Regardless, if I am born by A Lake, A River, or the Wide open Waters of these Seven Seas……., I am still only A Product of what my {Mother and Father} Teach me too be…..., and for the many….., we are never given the FREEDOM to think for ourselves…., and Question the Many Mysteries of INNER EARTH where the Mechanization Technological enhancement has been kept running for Eons upon Eons for every Generation of Every Age..., and in an Oraborus Curse where WE THE PEOPLE Blew up our Moon.., and Our Sun., and the Angels do so too FALL From Heaven in the Firmament of the Dome of The Rock…….., there are Whisperers [in my ears] +=+ of De-Ja-Vu that You were there…
Many people do not like this Boy born of a Virgin when we know it was ZEUS whom gave Mary Child……..., and even though the {Guardian of Christ} Turned out to be Joseph of Jehovah, he and his wife did have “more children” after Christ Jesus 1.0 was born… Now we of The Science and Religion of Pak-Toe do not need to go into DETAIL that WAR IS MURDER, and Murder is against The TEN COMMANDMENTS of [Ink on Paper] [{**}] in the Biblical, and that if you look up the word BIBLE it only means Books of Books… Not only that, but people and persons with EYES that go SOLID BLACK are not all evil, just as people with EYES that do not go (SOLID BLACK) are NOT all good, and when life comes down to only CHOICE, why do you Blame your God for “Making You” when you can choose to believe in ANY THING You’m want in your waking Walking DREAM known as these 7 Deadly Sins of these TALMUD ZIONIST and ROMAN JESUITS these FAKE JEWS from the Book of REVELATION.?.?.?
Heretofore, you may think the God of {Hermes started} [{**}] the Medical Profession of DO NO HARM with that Winged Staff, but the WHO of these U.N. FLAGS has no “Eagle Wings” on their COMPANY Corporate Logo of just a SNAKE and Stripper [Dance Pole] [{*}} from the Pink Pony in ATL, and yet, I would rather have a Lap Dance from a Naked “Wombman” at a Strip Bar whom can give birth to Healthy Children then Allow my Skin to Be Violated and Raped by these “COVAX” Covid19 Hypodermic Injections of Torture, and too think: I can [volunteer] to either pay to have my dick Sucked and fucked by A Hooker, or A Whore……., or I can VOLUNTEER to have Men and Wombmen “inject” Poison and Toxins and {URANIUM – 238} deep into my skin that will make my “Sperm” work no more???, and I shall never have child be I Male and Female {no matter} / * \ my land on this FLAT EARTH Celestial Sphere Home World called PLANET EARTH.?.?.? It seems to me, there should be more MALE Strip Bars, so girls and Ladies “can pay” to have their Pussies filled with the Tongue of young and old men whom still enjoy the taste of Femininity, as much as Old and Young Boys like wombmen to taste [their seed] that will be STERILIZED by the GREED of these JADE HELM 15 Depopulation Vaccines!!!
Now it really don’t matter to me if you want to “play” with something that will end your right too procreate, but I do know this: my Human “nonmason” CITIZEN Tax Paying Populations, that if WE THE PEOPLE can not engage in Touch, and Dance, and Intimate Romance……., than we will lose our Right to fuck, and suck, and make more {of our own kind} cause these FREE MASON Lodge Members in our Home Towns run all the Hospitals – Courts, and Religion CORPORATION CEO Preacher and Teacher “BUILDINGS” of their 501 (c) 3 in every Land from the Middle East to you look around [where you live] /-\ where all these So Called Books of God say: The FEMALE is unworthy cause {The Wombman} Gives Birth to we of Mankind??? Me Thinks the REAL Enemy of Mankind being we the Boys and the Girls of this “Holographix” Virtual Reality World called PURGATORY: are them whom Run These Governments, These Religions, and Their Schools of Thoughts` whom live off of our TAXES as our EMPLOYEES……., and our PUBLIC SERVANT “Slaves” have decided to REBEL against WE THE PEOPLE whom no longer want to “adhere” too their Charlatans of TV TALKING Heads and all this Malfeasance {they present} to we THEIR EMPLOYER of these Governments in Every U.N. Flag…
Johnny Exodice
Remember, Remember, The 5th of December where WE THE PEOPLE “Remember” our nonmason dead: murdered, and killed, and taken to {Jails and Prions} by these FREE MASON C.O.P.S. whom allow we TAX PAYING nonmason Citizens to have NO “Say” in the Making of these LAWS where we live…
(redirected from Prions)
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Related to Prions: Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, Fatal familial insomnia
(prī′ŏn′, prē′-)
A protein particle that is the agent of infection in a variety of neurodegenerative diseases, including bovine spongiform encephalopathy, Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, and scrapie. Prions are the only known infectious agents that do not contain DNA or RNA. They derive from a normal body protein that becomes irreversibly misfolded, and they proliferate in the body, possibly by acting as a template for further protein misfolding.
The Society of nonmason~
We Are Pak-Toe… We don’t do Racka… WE TAKE THEM OUT!!!
We Are Revelation… We do not forgive… WE DO NOT COMPLY!!!
Game Over~
The Sentinel...