Mike Lindell - The Full Documentary - Absolute Truth - ELECTION FRAUD EXPOSED! 2-5-21
Absolute Truth - The Full Documentary can be seen right here.
This premiered on Mike Lindell's website the morning of 2/5/2021 and before the entire video could be shown the enemies of truth and justice cut the feed so that we the people who want the truth and honest elections could be denied our Constitutional Liberties from a Fraudulent Administration.
Share this far and wide and don't stop saying the two words that make Satan himself and all of his minions tremble. Those two words are ELECTION FRAUD. Don't stop saying them, texting them and keeping them at the forefront of your conversations.
Contact your elected officials, email them a link to this video and demand that they watch it and educate themselves about ELECTION FRAUD then DEMAND that if they expect your vote in the upcoming elections they will fight ELECTION FRAUD with the same type of passion that George Washington had when he crossed the icy waters of the Delaware River.
Mike Lindell has done his part by spending his time and money to make this Documentary.
Now it is up to WE THE PEOPLE to do the rest!
Do not allow yourself to be discouraged and depressed, there is an information war that calls for you to enlist and do your part in preserving the freedoms that generations of veterans and our founding fathers fought for.

According to Dave Hodges' sources ...and he has excellent sources...the real election results were: Trump: 103 million votes Dementia Joe: 37 million votes Trump won 49 States, the dementia patient won New York. The voting machines were so overwhelmed by the number of votes for Trump, that's why they had to shut everything down for several hours. Machines were programmed to switch votes but didn't anticipate so MANY votes. Confirmed by @RealMikeLindell documentary, 'Absolute Truth' Pass it on.

Thank you UGETube for posting Mike Lindell's well researched, slickly produced exposé of the Big Steal. The information is solid, well documented and undisputed by the Left. And why should the Left break a sweat to dispute any of the facts when has Big Tech oligarchs to suppress it off the internet?

I am still praying for the intervention of the Angel of the Lord. The Spirit of Truth will prevail. I still meditate on the words of the Scripture: "Therefore rejoice, you heavens and you who dwell in them! But woe to the earth and the sea, because the devil has gone down to you! He is filled with fury, because he knows that his time is short." (Revelation 12:12) Lord have mercy upon us. The Lord rebuke all those who stand against you.

I've read that the RIGHT to the "INTEGRITY" of one's vote "is a specie of property right". So, I am just thinkin' out loud here -- WHAT IF the "STOLEN" VOTES were PINPOINTED TO WHOSE VOTE was flipped FROM President Trump. That is to say, INFORM THE SPECIFIC VOTERS so that EACH OF THEM CAN FILE POLICE REPORTS OF THEFT &/or FILE PRIVATE CRIMINAL COMPLAINTS against THEIR state 'election officials', etc., to INCLUDE "JOHN DOES 1-100" or however many additional bad actors might deserve a PLACE HOLDER for when their identiy(ies) become known!