Mel K and Rob Really Eyes - Wide Open Truth Cast - 03 14 21 [MIRROR]
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i too am in NY upstate a year now and travel to Palm Beach County FL lake worth wpb to visit my Mom She down in NYC by my Son Me? up here in Adirondacks with bigfoot staying away from you dangerous fukkers .. find me

The Light of the World…
If youm are astounded at how many items I can write about, then you too would do well too learn big words, and use {ink on paper} to WRITE them words into thoughts of Flavor Savors for your mind when the days are much darker then these… Now I explained how [CORBETT] REPORT was casting a Spell of Sorcery, and Rapture where before Magic can become an ENCHANTMENT of a Charmed One, the person or (Machine Person) has to cast the Spell aka SUGGESTION first, and that is why we have NEWS CASTERS placing “thoughts” into WE THE PEOPLE with their Malfeasance {NEWS} World Order, and though as The Oracle for the end of this age connected to the Source of All Creation, and All Destruction, I sometime [forget] QBALLS~ /_\ that I am the only one showing you my Children and People of Pak-Toe how The Racka does CONDITIONING [to your minds] something we older types used to call PREDICTIVE PROGRAMMING: Before the Anonymous MASK become a Promotional Prop to work for {G4S] as a Data Security Commonwealth FLAG “Alliance” when these U.N. Troops all work for these FREE MASON {Lodge Members} in our home towns city to city – province to province – Nation to Nation…
So how does one tell a Decent Person from an Evil Profane Wicked MASON person is something that should not be to hard [too discern] now that YOU KNOW Machine People are Real, and just cause people got BLACK HOLE EYES, or even EYES that can go {SOLID BLACK} does not mean they are in with this JADE HELM 15 Depopulation called (COVID19) of we the Remaindering Humans with Natural Born Eyes of Color… That spoken, you go watch that TV Show “Charmed” and you count the BLACK HOLE EYES in their eye sockets: as compared too them whom run the Commonwealth Flags called the Monarchy in ENGLAND, and their Church Of SATAN from the Book of Revelation known as The Vatican ROMAN Jesuit Zionist CATHOLICS, and all their Male and Female BLUE EYES of Light Skins [children] molesters, and their FEAR the God of this or that or any religion for in our Science and Religion of Pak-Toe we teach that too WORSHIP is too beg, and why would I as your Creator “demand” you beg of me.?.?.?.?.?, why would I say: You must Pay Money to them others of Flesh, and Blood, and Bones in {RELIGIOUS COSTUMES} when they are all doing deception, and conscription into your U.N. FLAGS of WAR IS MURDER when that book of books say: YOU DON’T Kill other people???
Once youm perceive the MUD FLOOD WARS, and that the [U.S. FLAG] took over JAPAN in 1855, and that the U.S. FLAG used the FLAG of JAPAN to do WW1 and WW2 with the ONLY reward for the People of Japan was to be “Fire Bombed” with Greek Fire called NASA Trillion Watt Lazers, and that this League Of Legends called the UNITED NATIONS (Global Citizens) PASS PORTS as INTERNATIONALIST from the other side of FLAT EARTH in our shared Celestial Sphere, and still since 2015 when many started too QUESTION the USA Rockets of NASA being “just more” Nuclear Hydrogen Atomic Holocaust “Ballistic” Missiles of LOGUNS RUN Weapons of Mass Death, and Murder, and had nothing to do with the TV Lies of the {NEWS} world order, and all their fake space books, and imaginings where these MASON control all OUR SCHOOLS, and all our [TV Shows] and all the Religions to play HUNGER GAMES called: WAR IS MURDER, so you and me are {Trick or Treat} into killing, and harming, and hurting our people on this SIDE of FLAT EARTH, I said: I HAVE HAD ENOUGH of these freemason Judges – C.O.P.S. City Councils – School Boards!!!
Now these PizzaGATE Satanist love to CAST their spells called CONDITIONING where when you watch THE RAPTURE of the TV SCREEN: you will do what [it tells you] like if you are a VETERAN, you need to kill yourself??? If you are a child, you need to “show” Naked Photos of your body to strangers???, and in that line of thoughts’ these Schools of Witches – Warlocks – Wizards can take us from our MOM and DAD by saying: She or He did naughty photos!!! and yet, what of all the Pornography of (YOUNG TRANNY SEX) where little children have their sex organs ripped out by these COVAXXED Doctors making Boys into Girls and {Girls into Boys} before they hit Puberty???? Does anyone do ANY “anointing” about that??? No…., so when you watch all these SAME SEX shows like Charmed and [so many others] it is called GROOMING like a Handler of Miley Cyrus, and Britney Spears when they “remember” they once were little boys of these [little people] as all people of Hollywood are Short Small things, but in this OBSERVATION, do you want your dick cut off, or your Vagina cut out and REPLACED with {the organs} of a dead nonmason child called HUMAN TRAFFICKING by these “U.N. Troops” of these CORPORATION like The Golden Arches of Mcdonalds??? Be safe, and do not let these TV SHOWS “RAPTURE” you into what youm are not!!!
Johnny Exodice
I want you my children as young as 8 years old if you can think for your own self: Too WATCH this PREDICTIVE PROGRAMMING aka Grooming aka CONDITIONING {too make you} do what the TV Cell Phone SCREENS of Sorcery and THE RAPTURE says you need to do….
REMEMBER, nothing on these 2D FLAT EARTH {3D C.G.I.} SCREENS is true, it is all about lying to your face and ticking or “treating” you into your own destruction, and once you know BIG WORDS and use them when youm think???,
NO ONE no matter (how sly) as a MASON Kid can ever pull the wool over your eyes again……., and this is why FREE MASON Lodge Members be they children too “adults” put on that BLIND FOLD for they are the BLIND leading the BLIND into the {Pits of Hell} just as Christ Jesus 1.0 told you every Mason Child is a Judas and a Jezebel known as JOBS DAUGHTERS – RAINBOW GIRLS – DEMOLAY,
and these Rich Town Folks where you live are only Rich in MONEY cause they “live off of” your moms and dads taxes called your PUBLIC slave SERVANTS of the Town Hall, so STOP Paying them money as your EMPLOYED GOVERNMENT!!!!
The Society of nonmason~
NON-MASON Veterans and “nonmason” Police Officers ARE NOT killing themselves, they are being MURDERED by them whom attend these FREE MASON Lodges [in your] +=+ home town, and since the MASONS Run {G4S] as U.N. Troops in these Jails, and “their” Courts, and their Prisons with their USA FLAG WORSHIP, they lie about everything, and take our children, and then say: Your nonmason Child committed Suicide…. FUCK THEM ALL and all their LIES AGREED UPON!!!
The Sentinel…
Live well….. Die Free!!!!!
The Commander~
† Ω ∞ ‡ Σ

Military, just like FBI, CIA, DHS will only work to cover up for the Cabal. It’s all infiltrated and destroyed.

Pearson Publishing is owned by Ghislaine Maxwell's father.

You only see your home town. I left Laguna CA...36 yrs ago. NY, LA, TX, OH....ETC......ALL MY LOVE...LOVE.