MCP 12-16 Feb 2007 BCCI mossad, Mark Glenn, Israeli jews are the real anti-Semites, Holocaust.mp4
If you haven’t heard of MCP, that’s because some criminal jews want it that way. With over 30 years research and having read over 10 000 books on the 'jewish' issue, MCP can be considered an expert on the 'jewish' issue, which has infested our world, in the same way that a cancer infests a human body, and hence should be eliminated.
A very big thanks to Reasonable Doubt for providing the missing shows.
Jew Arial Cohen states “Holocaust deniers are a clear and present danger to world peace and therefore they must be destroyed!” --- sounds like this jew is calling upon his soldiers to murder holocaust deniers. Where are the police and FBI ? What are they doing ?
Sephardic Rabbit Yosef said ‘it’s permissible to kill anyone who thinks evil thoughts about yeshiva students.’ (which are students that focus on the study of traditional religious texts, primarily the Talmud, the Torah, and halacha (Jewish law))
20070216 repeat
20070215 Ernst Zundel gets 5 years prison sentence, jews kick out 4 children of Rabbi Freidman for going to Holocaust conference, Elly Wessel the scumbag jew, 16 Neo Nazi rally was organised by FBI, 19 Alex Jones has visitor with untraceable can licence number plates, voice stress analysis
20070214 Guest Mark Glenn – Rudy Giuliani is a pussy draft dodger who pushes for war, 9 Israeli jews are the real anti-Semites because they are attacking the Arabs / Semites, the media is the main weapon used by jews to destroy us, 29 Holocaust story continuously changes, 31 caller – if you want to teach children how to think and reason you have to teach them the geometry of Euclid (ancient Greek),
20070213 “We are ruled by gangsters. We are ruled by criminals”, Israeli jews were behind the war in Iraq, 15 JFK was going to reduce the power of the Israeli lobby in the USA. Permindex, BCCI was used by jews (mossad & CIA) to launder money, ‘Farish’ Bush British Royal family connections, 41 Rothschild run the British Empire
20070212 repeat
Each show is approximately 45 minutes long (after ads have been removed).
I have uploaded all the articles that I can find, by MCP in his last show.!F4Zi2apJ!kPovM7jv2KLjct6dAsFjpQ
Link to all my uploads including other good channels/videos, in pdf file ( 20 Feb 2021)
My Bitchute channel is blocked in many countries in Europe & Australia & Russia & UK, and possibly other places. If you cannot access links to the bitchute videos, use vpn and set it to the USA. If my bitchute channel is deleted & https:// &
Note: Bitchute has been forced by some criminal jews, to censorship facts about the Holocaust and many other crimes by some jews. Numerous channels have been deleted. The enemy is on the move.