Massive Tax Hikes IMMINENT, Maxwell faces MORE charges, SuicideVax Burns Man Skin Off
In this episode of The Silent War:
Ghislaine Maxwell has been indicted on additional charges from behind bars - for trafficking and grooming a 14 year old girl.
Meanwhile, the largest tax hikes in Generations is coming your way. Prepare now.
Also, the suicide vaccine has claimed approximately 200,000 lives - based on the CDC's own data and underreporting, including a little unvaccinated baby who merely breast fed. And one man whose skin burned and blistered off in horrible agony.
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I don't feel sorry for any of these idiots that take or are injured by the Vax... They are just sheep and would jump off a cliff if asked to by the Evil Elites...

IF YOU RUN DUSTIN...YOU HAVE MY VOTE!.......Florida resident