Mark Gallo Stage 4: Get Them Moving
yrualeg1 - 196 Views
Published on 18 Apr 2018 / In Entertainment
Scenario: While walking home you stumble upon a drug deal and they decide to eliminate you.
Start Position: Standing at P1 with hands relaxed by side.
Stage Procedure: At the buzzer, engage T1 while advancing to cover until it drops (at least 4 shots attempted on move if it doesn't drop) You may re-engage T1 from cover if necessary. Then engage T2-T5 with 3 shots from cover.
Concealment: Required.
Scoring: Vickers
Scored Hits: 12 rounds. 3 each on T1--T5. Steel must drop.
Targets: 4 IDPA
Penalties: Not engaging T1 on the move with at least 4 rounds.
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