Mark Carney Unveils Elites Plan For A New World In The Next 'Crisis'
Mark Carney Unveils Elites Plan For A New World In The Next 'Crisis'

The MASTERFUL ACT of murdering people by taking over their Leadership
It was a life we all wanted in the REAL WORLD where our Celestial Sphere Home World was the Envy of them whom became (The Racka) in Mathew 5 of The New Testament, and even though the New and the Old of the Bible is the same tragedy of a People gone mad, and THEY LIVE of Hollywood did so too destroyed: the Home World of WE ARE, we must now look at Purgatory being the Memory, and the Results of Capitalist, and their Capitalism where A Debt is a Debt!!!!
It is well known now that WE ARE The Real Jews from the Book of Revelation, and that THEY LIVE are the Fake Jews of Hollywood in that SAME Book of Revelation being all FREE MASON Lodges, and their allegiance to these MUD FLOOD Replacement Populations of the QUEEN of England, and whence we know ever since the “Q” became Her Majesties [U.S. Military] Qballs~ /_\ during the Opium Wars of the American Revolutionary British Imperial EMPIRE (Pharmacological) DRUG WARS to this very hour, the Celestial Kingdom of the People of China has become this MADE IN CHINA run by all these INTERNATIONALIST Corporations of the USA that is just a Shell Corporation of the British Flag, and the Roman Catholic Anglican Protestant Movement in the Days of Noah being CODE: for the REAL {Celestial Sphere} that our Souls and Spirits MEMORIES all have De-Ja-Vu here in Purgatory of what, and whom WE ALL once were….
These words you read are the Spoken “Language” of my Oppressors the Queens English, and she is the HIVE MIND of the [Q – Anon] Movement whom are more Doppelganger REPLACEMENT Populations in the (Minds) of OUR PEOPLE on this side of FLAT EARTH in our Shared Celestial Sphere being Creatures of Dark Magic and SORCERY that {wipe the minds} of our People with Demonic Possession, and Oppress the INCUBATOR BABIES of 1893 A.D. into the Mindless Masses of Space Force INVASION [U.N. Troops] of the English Speaking British Empire that Owns all U.N. Flags from Russia to Saudi Arabia, from Spain the Kingdom of South and Central Americans from France the (League of Nations) French Foreign Legions, and the Sole Possession of all Nuclear Hydrogen “Atomic” HOLOCAUST Weapons used in World War Zero – then Reinvented in WORLD WAR TWO where JAPAN became [The Example] of you will bow down to the U.S. WAR FLAG of the British Empire, or we things that go bump in the Night will nuke {your people} just as we did JAPAN, and too prove the Queen of England, and her Monarchy still look down on Darker Skin People with BLACK HAIR ONLY she nuked Beirut Lebanon last Year in 2020 A.D. during Her LOCK DOWN of Lock Step where we Human Populations on this side of FLAT EARTH are at the Mercy of these nonhuman “Machine” People from the OTHER SIDE of Flat Earth in the minds of far too many here on this side of flat earth in the year 2021 A.D.
The more one Hates, the more one of OUR PEOPLE have been “replaced” by these Parasite Entities of Malice, and by their Possession, and control of all (Nuclear) Weapons allegiance to them has become the NEW NORMAL since the end of the MUD FLOOD WARS in the 1800’s, and once you’m know the minds of our people and POPULATIONS can be wiped by MK-ULTRA, you also have to accept EVIL SPIRITS that did the [Destruction] to our Real Home World Celestial Sphere are trapped here in Purgatory to be seen if any of them aka THEY LIVE can repent, have regrets, be reformed of their [need] too feed on Cruelty, Harshness, Murder…. As Christ Jesus 1.0 and Paul The Apostate that was Christ Jesus on the Run in the NEW TESTAMENT Gospel warned we REAL JEWS from the Book of Revelation that we would know the FAKE JEWS from the Book of Revelation by Their Ways!!!!!
The Bible is the {PLAY BOOK} for the End of an Age where Purgatory will become the HELL and Hades of FOREVER and EVER in 2094 C.E. when the last (INNOCENT) will have been born and redeemed by Christ Jesus Returned……., and in that knowledge…….., worry not about all the LUNATICS in your Governments, Religions, Schools of Thoughts, and Military for WE ARE going home when we die, but The Dammed, The Cursed, and The Forsaken already know THEY LIVE will never leave once we {whom were repentant} are all gone, so be aware of their SEDITION – Treachery – High Treason as OATH BREAKERS to their [Oath of Office] that they can not uphold here in Purgatory for THEY LIVE did not uphold it in our Real Home World that Awful Horror being our Dead Holographix VR MOON La La~ …..
Johnny Exodice
WAR IS MURDER, and Murder is against the LAWS of Humans, but now we know the “nonhuman” have taken over the Minds of the QUEEN of England, and all her Monarchy Hunger Games COMMONWEALTH FLAGS of the (U-GAMES) of and for their Satanic Ritualistic Festivals called: The Olympics where [Enhanced] Human Flesh, and Blood, and Bones are shown to be the Children of we the nonmason REAL JEWS too die in all future WARS for their STUDENT LOAN DEBTS!!!!
The Question is: If the USA was not a {SLAVE STATE} to the British Empire, then why would the U.S. Government give NUCLEAR WEAPONS to the Country that fought against WE ARE the 50 States FOR America in the 1700’s to the 1800’s ?????
Moreover, since only the QUEEN, and the Queens Navy aka the [U.S. Military] are the ONLY Monarchy to have such weapons, then how could China or Russia, nor India to Pakistan be FREE from Speaking the Queens English???????, and if the (USA) was not just the British Empires TOY, then why didn’t the USA just Nuke Korea and Vietnam, and be done with it “rather” then allow half a million U.S. Citizens too be “murdered” in those wars of 1950 to 1970 let alone all the BLACK HAIR Populations murder in the Korean and Vietnam War.?.?.?.?
Remember: ALWAYS SHOOT FIRST!!!! And that 7 ways in means 7 ways out, and no more then 7 too a crew and no less then 5 where one is (always) a Look Out and a Runner, and know the U.S. WAR FLAG is the Flag of the {BRITISH EMPIRE} and that flag owns all other [U.N. FLAGS] for none but the QUEEN OF ENGLAND has the Atomic Holocaust Weapons……..., and these Light Skins from the Other Side of FLAT EARTH hate we whom came and come from this side of FLAT EARTH in the Real One that THEY LIVE did so too’ destroyed…...