Mario Movie IS WOKE, Girlboss Peach Is Invincible And Mario Is Incompetent, Conservatives ARE WRONG
Mario Movie IS WOKE, Super Peach Is Invincible And Mario Is Incompetent, Conservatives ARE WRONG
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hollywood vfx were more impressive and powerful than video games during 2000s ,
now video games over throw hollywood industry
turning gamer both as spectator of contemplation and director of action
that hollywood turns as spectator of gamer

last mordor character far more customized than primitive mario

golden age of video game started around 2015 ...
succeeding long dark age of polygonal and vectorial babbling ...
having a look on graphics and gameplay, there is no common fun between previous games and nowadays games running on multi cores smoothing rendering
before gamers were playing by curiosity of newness and boreness as mario and sonic,
now they play for contemplating graphics and enjoying senses as odyssey and heat

nfs is nicer ...
it only needs to escape cops and win race,
no need to fight against earth for saving spaceship

...this is sea org propaganda