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Maria Zeee with Dr Ana Mihalcea, what the covid clots really are (hydrogel)

Land of the Free
Land of the Free - 440 Views
Published on 11 Apr 2024 / In Non-profits and Activism

This was released FEB 28, 2024
My notes if you just want to skim the topics discussed:
1. Glowing faces under UV light, glowing filaments in the vaxxed and unvaxxed to a lesser degree, starts around the nose and maybe chin or forehead.
2. All about tracking humanity. There is no spike protein, it looks like one but its all about the hydrogel, transhumanist agenda
3. Look at blood under very high microscope and flashing nano components in blood, strange computer like structures, self-assembling nano-technology.
4. Clots that continue to grow 8 months after death, and outside of the body what is that? Hydrogel polymers. Can be programmed. Gates has spoken of this.
5. Non-vaxed are getting it somewhat, filaments can spread from vaxed to non-vaxed.
6. Filaments like morgellons, attracted to skin, polyester clothes
7. Hydrogel a plastic, we all have microplastics, the metals in the shot activate the polymerization (clots)
8. New type of vaccines that have been manufactured in Australia by company VAXXAS. Doesn't get injected but they can track if you take it. Manufacturing hundreds of millions of doses.
9. All food is contaminated (canned, fresh, meat, bottled water, some organic) chemtrail spraying, other vaccines, they don't need a vaccine anymore, we basically are being 'vaccinated' to have hydrogel and become tracked
10. Eat as cleanly as possibly, detoxify. Uphill battle. There is hope.
11. Moderna's own study on their own patent found to stop the induction of the nanoparticles you need a chelating agent, and it specifically mentions EDTA in combination with Vit E and C and malic acid. Removes the metals that the hydrogel requires. EDTA key. Methylene blue may help. Many 'spike protein' supplements don't do a thing for the hydrogel.

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