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Mantis Laser Academy // Day 6 of 7 - Dot Torture Test

Rogue Banshee
Rogue Banshee - 506 Views
Published on 20 Mar 2021 / In Firearms

Really want to work on your fine motor skills during your dry fire training? Well, the dot torture test will do that and give you a shoulder workout at the same time.

One thing about doing the Dot Torture Test in the Mantis Laser Academy is to keep track of what you are doing. In this video, you can see me lose my concentration and pay in the scoring for it. Fortunately, I did not waste any ammo in the process.

#dryfire #mantis #laseracademy #theroguebanshee

Video Index:
Intro - 0:00
Dot Torture Test in the Mantis Laser Academy - 0:04
Dot Torture Test Time in action - 1:12

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