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Mandos, Doomsman of the Valar | Tolkien Explained.m4v

steven aponte
steven aponte - 72 Views
Published on 31 Jan 2025 / In Spiritual

Mandos was an Ainu, one of the Aratar, and the Vala responsible for the judgement of the Spirits (or Fëa) of all Elven dead. He also had responsibility for pronouncing the dooms and judgments of Eru Ilúvatar under Manwë. His real name was Námo, but was called by the Elves Mandos after his sacred Halls of Mandos, over which he presided, to which Elves would go if they perished.

Mandos was the sixth greatest of the Lords of the Valar, and fifth greatest of the Aratar.[2]

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