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Magpul PMAG 40, 40 Round AR15 Magazine, Quick Review

Buffman RANGE
Buffman RANGE - 776 Views
Published on 08 Nov 2013 / In Firearms

Sorry in advance for the crappy low light video. I didn't realize it had gotten that dark by the end of the video.

In a previous video, I had tested the E-Lander 40 round mag in my gun with little success in terms of reliability:

When I saw Magpul released a 40 round version of the PMAG, I picked one up.

Too many conclusions can't be drawn from just 80 rounds, but no one single failure to feed unlike the Mako E-Lander magazine.

Firm insertion is required to insert the magazine on a closed bolt, but not as firm as the E-lander.

Construction, design, appearance, very much just like the Gen 3 PMAGs. Loading the 40 rounds was no harder than loading a 30 rounder.

Camera(s): JVC GZHM35 Camcorder
Edited with: Adobe Premiere Elements 11

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