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LIVE at Castle Rock Studios (REWIND) WHITE HOUSE Lights on in Studio || #Livestreaming (02/02/21)

Patriot Nation
Patriot Nation - 1,053 Views
Published on 06 Feb 2021 / In News and Politics

#Livestream #Castlerock #Culverstudios
Welcome to Patriot Nation. This channel is based on the biblical priciple of Ephesians 5:11 which says "Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead expose them." This channel stands behind the guiding priciples of the bible and the original constitution that this great nation was founded upon.

WE THE PEOPLE are the empowerment of this country and not the government. This nation needs to get back to the foundation on which the Constitution stands for. God bless AMERICA Patriots...For the Republic!!!

Ephesians 5:11
Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead expose them.
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Social Media Links : Clouthub : @EugeneSnead
Email : Protonmail: [email protected]

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Operation Q
Operation Q 3 years ago

"We Are Watching A White Hat Movie: The 2021 USA Inc. Joe Biden Shadow Presidency"

Coach, Consult & Counsel - Connect - Share My Over Target Censored RedPilling Articles - Support The Mission:

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Bobbitchin 4 years ago

With Mike giving irrefutable evidence that China stole this election, which is a war crime, one that put a Chinese operative in the Whitehouse. The Question that needs to be answered immediately is who does the military work for, The CCP or America? Time for mom to call her baby boy or girl that's in the military and ask them. If a fraction of the moms mentioned would do that then the entire military would know. If you ever served then you know that would scare the ever loving crap out of the brass. As it stands now, they are working for the CCP, that makes them traitors to America, her people and our constitution. With all the guns here that has to be answered quickly. This seems like a valid and verry doable task, and he'd I allowed my boy to go in I would have already made that call. I am NOT against our military however, because of the Absolute Proof, they are now beeing presented to america as Absolute traitors, this is very serious, it is putting a target on their backs, why Are we allowing this? Make the call, post the results, watch Washington shit little green apples as it goes viral

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