Lin Wood on Tunnels! Drip Drip Flood. B2T Show May 10, 2021 (IS).mp4
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Save the children but make a plan because if vampires are left alive who they gonna eat if they can't eat children?

If military has the deep underground bases WHO ON EARTH is cleaning them? Fairy's? They are wiping out military underground eh? It's definitely Nazi's down there with spaceships....I would say they are up and running because individuals try and make drugs and they get exploded and obviously watched and not allowed. It's been said the drugs came in on a Navy ship in Portland I heard at the beginning of the lockdown. Nobody covering Getty Museum in Brentwood Los Angeles but Steven D Kelley? You guys are at odds...."The whole world is a giant blood and loosh factory" Kelley of sais for 30 years now...How can you ignore the Hollywood underground where the main vampire base is for MSM?

Yo Rick yeah I definitely change the words on that one sentence about child trafficking it's not amazing it's horrible it's sickening it's evil but it's amazing how far it has spread and how much of it there is no doubt bro anyway God bless keep on truckin.