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Like Paul Harvey said, this is "the rest of the story."

Published on 14 Dec 2020 / In News and Politics

There is a cure for COVID other than the vaccine. People are trying to silence this doctor. He has research to back him up and Fauci will not listen to him. Imagine that! We all know Fauci is a fraud and. he has no business working on vaccines will being over the NIH, but that conflict of interest has been allowed to continue. Look up Dr. Pierre Kory! He has a cure for the virus and they have had positive results worldwide. There is a light at the end of the tunnel!

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SamG.R 4 years ago

Thank you for being an outspoken and aware nurse. More people will actually hear your words and take heed to your warnings bc of your job title. You, specifically, are making a big difference in this nightmare ...and it’s much appreciated.

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