Lights Camera Action alltheworldsastage.mp4
Lights Camera Action alltheworldsastage
Whence everything wrong is Witchcraft and Sorcery…
Day 5 in the Book of Genesis and a séance Too Boot!!!
Here in "Purgatory" we are trying to put together the pieces of a Puzzle {that belongs} to another reality, a Reality that we all lived through in the What Was – What is – What will be from the Book of Revelation, and though there are many [missing] [{**}] Books from the Holy living Biblical like the Book of Enoch: that does well' too explain` how our World Machine Works made by our God on (Day 6) in the Book of Books, and The Book of Knowledge, it is still 72 years till the END OF THE WORLD and that saying: The Sky is Falling!!!
We see the {Science of Sorcery} [{*}] in all we do from the DREAMS we have "whence" we sleep, and rest, and slumber to the TONGA Time Traversal Distortation (WARP and Ripping) +=+ of Ripples throughout all reality, and realms in this Enclosed Cosmology known as The Awful Horror, and Abomination of Desolation being our Real Home World Globe Earth [THE MOON] in our Night and Day Sky of the Firmament in the Dome of The Rock…
For those of youm whom are [allowed] to read what I type and see in this writ the Legal Ramifications of breaking the TEN COMMANDMENTS by our God in the Holy Living Bible....
what of you.?.?.?
Why do you {stay silent} about WAR IS MURDER when War Games are only used to kill and murder we the NON-MASON of the world while the FREE MASON Stay Home and Watch [TV Shows] about USA USA USA as if Murder is not Murder of Moms, and Dads, and Children if you use the {Bloomberg TV Lingo} of Collateral Damage too our Stockades and Bondage of and for the (UP and DOWN) forever and ever in these Days of Noah ONE LAST TIME as Agenda 21 and Agenda 2030 means [total] enslavement of Body – Soul and the minds of your Mindless Menticide Masses???
What is the true power of the (OTO) Thelema Wicca Jesuit Zionist Kabbalah Zohar "seeking" to make Evil Greater Than Good when without [BALANCE] there will always be Chaos!!!!
Or is their True Purpose as Demolay – Jobs Daughters – Rainbow Girls and all the REST too make you think {THEY LIVE} are seeking Order out of Chaos in their Lies Agreed Upon; whence in all fact' THEY LIVE Seek ONLY too maintain (Chaos) pretending they are making ORDER doing WAR IS MURDER for your LOCAL NEWS Media in their suits and ties, and skirts with their [Green] Washing of Sustainable Development GOALS "of and for" The Stake Holders of All Corporations: that make the Weapons that stake you' and your children into Hermetically sealed Coffins as the dead and dying on battle fields [only for] wanton Reasons…
The INTERNATIONALIST are the Banks and the Corporations, and that does mean (THE WORD) RELIGIONS........., and THEY LIVE do not want Order out of Chaos in their {Double Talk} and Duality Ways as FREE MASON Lodge Members in your home towns......., THEY LIVE want chaos too "prevail" for all time over Good: till the end' of this world` come 2094 CE in the MEMORY of what was / what is / what will be in the Book of Revelation our Dead Home World The Moon…
The MASON Lodges don’t want Balance!!!
THEY LIVE want Chaos!!! aka Chaos Magica...
Purgatory will be Purgatory: till the end' of Days` and TIME in 2094 CE
Christ Jesus Returned~ ?