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The Life (Zoe Life)

Life is Like a Book Time to Turn The Page

Pastorbobncc - 8 Views
Published on 02 Oct 2024 / In People and Blogs

Life is like a book, each day is a page and major changes are the chapters. What no longer fits into Your storyline?
Music by Send Rain
(Hos 6:1 [KJV])
Come, and let us return unto the LORD: for he hath torn, and he will heal us; he hath smitten, and he will bind us up.

What do you do when day after day ( turn the page) life sucks?

You end that chapter and write a new one?

Matt Lacey, you can be anything you want to be 4 years from today.

If your not happy do something about it?

What is the problem, People, places or things?

Maybe they no longer fit in with the story line?

God gave you one book, What is your next chapter going to be about?

As for me I gave my book back to God? I have decided to be content with where I at, however I still make constant adjustments, I have free will and a brain?

(Hos 6:6 [KJV])
For I desired mercy, and not sacrifice; and the knowledge of God more than burnt offerings.

My daily prayer Is God give me strength to get through this (day) page?

Help me to forgive, Help me to love
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The Life (Zoe Life)