Lessons from Paleoclimate Conveniently Ignored by the IPCC - Thomas P Gallagher & Roger C Palmer
A Zoom presentation held on 20th April 2022
The geological evidence in the sediments, fossils and ice from millions of years of change is overwhelmingly in favour of solar, water and ocean systems controlling earth’s climate. This stands in stark contrast to computer models and theory about climate. Continental drift and plate tectonics have to be properly understood to see why the earth of today is not capable of achieving the temperatures or climate optimums of the past. Because ours is a water dominated world, the earth climate system has boundary conditions and an offsetting balancing chemistry that sets it apart and does not allow runaway conditions to develop. The deep cold ocean is the repository for CO2 to return from when required to promote biologic recovery after intense glacial times. Under the protection of our magnetosphere and the ozone layer, water has been able to be retained. Climate change requires solar cycles and cumulative oceanic energy storage; climate is not simply about molecular, atmospheric weather. The lecture promises to be a fascinating paleoclimatic review of the last 67 million years, the ice ages and the 11,000 years since the most recent major glaciation, in areas that the IPCC and computing programs have neglected. The lecture will doubtless be followed by animated Q&A and open discussion.
Tom Gallagher and Roger Palmer are Canadians with life‐long careers in the study of the paleoclimate, geology, earth/ocean systems and related quantifying methods. Tom qualified at the University of Calgary and Colorado School of Mines, and his professional career was in minerals and petroleum exploration across the world, developing unique field investigation insights into complex time‐dependent global systems. Roger Palmer is a retired electronics engineer and entrepreneur who qualified from the Universities of Hamilton, Ontario, and Washington State. His career specialties included electro‐optics, remote sensing, RF communications, and instrumentation, in which he holds several patents. Both Tom and Roger are now dedicated to disseminating climate realism based on data‐based insights.
YouTube Videos With More Information:
Paleoclimatology Part 1 https://youtu.be/K6tWEjkEiZU
Paleoclimatology Part 2 https://youtu.be/iZSYSWPYEbU
Paleoclimatology Part 3 https://youtu.be/YMHKt9ylPpQ
Lessons from Paleoclimate Conveniently Ignored by the IPCC - Thomas P Gallagher & Roger C Palmer