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    Legend – Common Law...Defeats COVID Maritime SHT.

    Mary Tanasy
    Mary Tanasy - 1,135 Bekeken
    1,135 Bekeken
    gepubliceerd op 13 Nov 2020 / In Film en Animatie

    Every Business owner needs to watch this.

    Good video post showing that we will not tolerate the BS from this Fake CV Pandemic that destroyed businesses worldwide.

    Notice that the female police officer named Tracy No. 1746 that coward her face down when she was threatened by the citizen that he could charge her Treason and she found out that he was recording her and the fact that she would face Treason charges for betraying the citizens of her country.

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    Johnny Exodice
    Johnny Exodice 4 jaar geleden

    And The Teacher Spoke…, for those of you’m whom [continue] @Qball~ /_\ too live the lies of these TV screens SHOWS be it your SELECTED Leadership of these U.N. FLAGS to paying “your” people aka your fellow CITIZENS to point {weapons at you} as the EMPLOYER of all Governments in this world where you get Taken from your MOM and DAD and You VOLUNTEER to Murder Children, Parents, and all other “life forms” from Dirt to Air too Any ELEMENT you so desire to BLOW THEM UP with Bombs……., and Predator Drones as you: BREAK YOUR OATH OF OFFICE to your Nations CONSTITUTIONAL (Supreme Courts) where MURDER is against the LAW of The Land…... and THE Laws of your Peoples FLAGS….., you ignore THE LAW of your Land, and Your People, and Your Fellow Citizens, and you become [Traitors] doing SEDITION as FREE MASON Lodge Members whom say: WAR IS MURDER!!!! Murder WE THE PEOPLE cause “their flag” is not our flag…., and in this Nightmarish Game you play with YOUR “SELVES” cause your eyes go SOLID BLACK…, and mine do not.., it is always WE THE PEOPLE [whom die] in these WAR GAMES of all your U.N. FLAGS be you a King or a Queen called (PRESIDENTS) in your U.N. Meetings for FREE MASON only Lodge Members “of course” as you tell we NONMASON Citizens of these U.N.FLAGS that You don’t know what (COVID19) is???????, but YOU FREE MASON can land a man on the moon with your PROJECT BLUE BEAM TV SCREENS.?.?.?.?.?, and your {NEWS} World Order MILITARY Empire where {We Are Humans} die and kill one another for your ENTERTAINMENT {TV Shows} and Hollywood to Bollywood MADE IN CHINA Movies??? Seems like a pretty RAW deal for we Humans that do not have “eyes” that go SOLID BLACK…….., and actually just as bad for HUMANS that do have eyes that go SOLID BLACK!!!! Moreover, since you continue to [spray our skies] with CON-Trails that are many different Chemistry “Waste” Gases and Liquids in the skies right now……..., and those CHEMICALS will mix and “collect” over certain LAND MASSES Causing Wild Fires, Uncontrolled Weather Storms, fall to the ground when these CHEM TRAILS [Coalesce] Q’s and get too heavy to stay in the air that we all breath, and fall to the Ground in our RAIN, or just Dry Air where Toxic Waste from all your Capital Stock Market INVENTIONS, so {You People} and your CORPORATIONS would have a Game called The “Up and Down” daily REPEAT of Stocks and Bonds in a never ending Tread Mill, as this mixture of “Gases” from Plastics to Metals to Medications and Deadly Vaccines is what actually made COVID19., and to think someone without A WHITE medical costume “SUITE” or White Robe KKK MASON: figured out it was nothing more then POLLUTION of all them Jets [Spraying] +=+ out WASTE Material from all CORPORATIONS colluding as ONE under the WHO of the CDC {to lie about} WE don’t know why the Whales, and the Fish, and the Animals, and other life forms from [Bugs to Plants] are DYING OUT all over the world when this COVID19 “Soup” is in the AIR that falls to the ground where we live, or over the Water, and kills all that life… The Book of EXODICE!!!

    I am not A fool!!!! You FREE MASON / * \ Lodge Members are {all participating} in A Lie agreed Upon too let all Humans Die Out cause you have “eyes” that go SOLID BLACK, but my EYES do not go SOLID Black.?.?.?.?.?, and I live with a Person whom has a SOLID as we HUMANS call you things from the WORLD OF THE DEAD, and Hell and Hades in the Bible, and this person does not harm me?????, but your PEOPLE with [your eyes] that do so too go SOLID BLACK: even kill and Murder {your own kind} that are SOLIDS in our “Human” Flesh and Blood and Bones Body TEMPLE Avatars….

    The Society of nonmason~

    Now just know this my 10 year old youth when one day YOU “grow up” when even MORE Chemistry is SPRAYED in the air all over our CELESTIAL SPHERE home world of Planet Earth, what will happen as more Vibrations and Frequencies and {HEAT too COLD} affect this “Alchemist” Mixture that we know not what “they” have sprayed into our skies for the last 55 years.?.?.?, let alone what Chemistry they have poured into OUR DRINKING WATER be it the Ocean to the Rivers to The Lakes, and then all that “Chemistry” in the land Fills that each day you my child throw into the TRASHCAN that never ever ever’ gets reused……., do you think anyone will even be “alive” by 2025 let Alone 2030??? Go to and look up your country as this (Shadow of Dearth) is here……., and you will lose millions of Humans “regardless” if our EYES go SOLID BLACK or not...

    The Sentinel...


    Antwoord   thumb_up 1   thumb_down 0
    Johnny Exodice
    Johnny Exodice 4 jaar geleden

    The Corporate Run PLASTIC Capitalist Nation…

    Have you finally begun to see my NEW WINE SKINS from the New Testament that these OLD WINE SKINS have stolen your future health, and wealth, and happiness by making so many items too waste your time with from PLASTIC Video Game Boxes to Plastic Water Bottles to all this STAY AT HOME Amazon Plastic Drone Deliveries, and just [walk through] @Qball~ /_\ your one house no matter what U.N. FLAG rules your “Minds” with its Plastic Religions of FAKE SPACE, and Fake Space Toys… Now, my {Ten Year Old} [{**}] child as you count everything that is made of Plastic from your “Toothbrush” to your Blue Rays to your cell phone, what happiness does it bring you too know that This Plastic is the Cause of (COVID19) as the Pollution [in the air] [{*}] we all breath “be we” Rich or Poor???

    We The People of our Rag Tag Rebellion at our FLAT EARTH Magical Academies in our Offline Gaming Rooms: have taken into consideration that since the Actual end of the MUD FLOOD WARS in World War Two in 1945 our {Grand Parents} / * \ and YOUR Parents……., and even OUR Great Grand Parents see all these MILITARY [Plastic] +=+ People on these SCREENS where these FAKE JEWS from the Book of Revelation in the Bible that “Book of Books” have done so many TV Shows……, and Movies since the Korean War in 1954 to the Gulf War in 1984 that PLASTIC Manufacturing from “Mcdonalds” to Burger King to Star Bucks and All the other “Monsters” whom make not just the PLASTIC that takes forever to go away {are all Complicit} in DISPOSING of their Military Trash in our OCEANS….., and spraying their CORPORATE WASTE in our Skies called Chem Trails as your Parents these POLITICAL PARTIES: live off of our taxes, and Donations of Ink on Paper to their Churches, and Mosk, and Temples of this world…

    Now’ when you look at these last 70 Years of WAR IS MURDER where your Religion says: Murder is against the Will of YOUR GOD [no matter] /-\ what you call the Esoteric Celestial Being from ZEUS to Allah..., what has your RELIGION done {too be Honest} with you.., and explain why Your Religions Support Murdering WE THE PEOPLE [no matter] your U.N. FLAG.?.?.? Why does your RELIGION and GOVERNMENT and {Schools of Thoughts} lie to your face about being Born into this Celestial Sphere Home World of Purgatory known as “Planet Earth” where there are 2 Sides to our Planets: called the North Star in Heaven on this Side of FLAT EARTH, and the South Star in the Celestial Sphere on the Other side of FLAT EARTH., and what of (Inner Earth) where our Doppelgangers can replace “you and me” cause they look just like you and me called Incubus and Succubus these Peoples whose EYES go SOLID BLACK if you “watch” their Eyes in all your Favorite TV SHOWS???

    Could it be these FAKE JEWS from the Book of REVELATION are possessed by them Devils and Demons and Gins from all Religions.?.?.?, and that is the REAL Reason their Eyes go Solid Black??? For if we are Humans, and the SOLIDS are the [nonhumans] within us…….., then that would be a dependable reason why Our Leaders in all Nations have SOLIDS in them……..., and they tell us to Watch TV and keep throwing your PLASTIC CRAP Away that you buy NEW Plastic Crap Each Year, and every year, and now the Earth our Globe this Bubble we all {live inside} is dying cause there is TOO MUCH POLLUTION in our Oceans, Land Fills, and Skies cause PLASTICS don’t break down for Hundreds of years, and by 2030 you will be {21 years old} my 10 year old person, and look AT what Your Teachers, Leaders, Religions, and YOUR Military have “done” too YOU, and your friends future…

    Johnny Exodice

    There is only one way to save your future my 10 year old people, and that is to STOP Making Plastics: from these 5G Death Towers that SURROUND you and will “Microwave” our Brains too DEATH…..., too No more “Dumping” Trash in OUR OCEAN with all these {U.S. Navy Ships} to STOP Spraying the Skies with all the WASTE PRODUCT made by U.S. CORPORATION [CAPITALIST] that use Plastics when [they could] Q’s make things too last with “Glass” Water Bottles, Metal Boxes, and that means no more saying GOLD and SILVER “are money” cause those METALS can (make things) that do not rust….., and you can store FOOD in them…., but the world “you live in” at this time my Young People is one that says: You must Kill your Friends, so we can have their Lands, and MAKE THEM buy plastic Shit too….

    The Society of nonmason~

    Heretofore, don’t you find it “ODDTV” that NO ONE on Youtubber talks about [what happens] too all the WASTE Materials from making PLASTICS.?.?.?, and what happens to all these PLASTIC BAGS and all the other plastic when the {U.N. FLAG} does nothing but Lie to your Face about Going to Space with their faked moon landings, and Mars Missions, and then look at your mom and dad, and say: Why did you not “protect me” from these U.N. Troops whom run our Police and Military?????, and now THEY LIVE want to INJECT me with Hypodermic “Needles” that will not CURE them Spraying Toxic Waste in our SKIES that is the Actual Cause of COVID -19…...

    The Sentinel…

    There is [NO CURE] for COVID -19 cause it is just A Toxic Waste “Byproduct” of all them Plastic Toys you’m have from your 2D-HDTV FLAT SCREENS too that plastic “Cell Phone” you are using to read this, and yeah, YOUR GOVERNMENT whom [you’m employ] and THEY LIVE are your EMPLOYEES Will Just {Inject you} with something to MAKE YOU Go back too Sleep……., and say: TAKE YOUR PILLS…..., and go watch TV in your {Mental Wards} aka HOUSE ARREST, so your Government “can” continue to SPRAY THE SKIES with all them “deadly” Chemicals used to make all these Weapons that do WAR IS MURDER when “Murder” is against The LAW and ORDER of OUR Father Earth….., and OUR Mother Heaven whom suffer every day at (Your Choice) of Ignorance… For “THEY LIVE” will tell you all kinds of things on YouTUBE, but not one will say this “but me” that PLASTICS are the Cause of COVID - 19…..

    The Commander~


    Antwoord   thumb_up 0   thumb_down 0
    Hip Gnosis
    Hip Gnosis 4 jaar geleden

    great comment!

    Antwoord   thumb_up 1   thumb_down 0
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