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Last live Line Lock of 23 years? No

Michael Williamson
Michael Williamson - 698 Views
Published on 04 Jul 2022 / In Technology

GEM HERE IS A LIVE CALLER with her 'tip' on unlocking the line when she had it happen : Another Spontaneous shaky Low Quality recording of One of several of these scattered around on my postings and may have several copies of such in undisclosed locations. "cell phones" or #VoluntaryAnkleBracelets can have 'hot mic" metadata to the databases like #Xkeyscore : Various paper logs and screenshots since at least 2009, a lost Dialup4less & email had archives going back to 1999. Part of the Tv 10 story the PRESS did not /does not want to talk about, & the files at FCC being messed with , money taken went in a hole & still a bill shows up with no mention of "Dw06bc being deleted. Media write ups from Morehead News or Gray Communications did not want my side. Ashland Daily Independent never contacted me for our side, nor did any blogs or journals one even had the gall to say "Repeated attempts to contact the station" (rang the phone 6 times just as I went to the Post office) b.s., and more b.s. and "We can't help you with this story" - Hurld Liberal reporter after one of these happened to a woman in their Circulation department and I played back her own private phone number to her from the line with *69 and the gears started turning since she was in the marketing of the news paper she got it. "YOU NEED TO TALK TO ONE OF OUR REPORTERS" so I did, got handed off, and then cut off, "we cannot help you with this story (preeee snowden)" by the 'free press' hmmm... EFF Binney and one of his lawyers all have 'dismissed me " I can't practice law in Kentucky? . Files vanish, money is taken , bills keep coming and then the FCC mafia shows up issues a free independent press a rediculous fine as they have with others & even congress can't or won't stop them , they are out of government control international bureau now claiming the high ground with Elon and Bezos & globalist billionaires to "'master the human domain" Soon to be no Pitcairn Island , no privacy that's legal?

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Michael Williamson
Michael Williamson 2 years ago

I was asked what my youtube channel is during a Talk Radio call in this past weekend : You can start with this batch of links, other stuff is mostly of local interest: "Are you STUPID" someone told me 13 years ago when they realized what I was doing in exposing this & I had a witness they believed, another skeptic said "I think they are harassing you Mike,? (after years of tying to blow it off as Local TWO WAY radio interference from the Utility companies or some other lame blow off & they were former big city 'law' enforcment with claimed connections, so they thought they had a duty to 'gas light' my confidence until it was undeniable, they then try to spook me. Then you get comments like this "Gas Lighting" found buried in my yewtube channel & I dont remember seeing a notice on this or other comments to do rebuttals to:
Branondorf III
10 months ago
This has to be one of the most schizorphrenic youtube channels I've ever seen.

10 months ago (edited)
What do you need EXPLAINED or what don't you get about OFF phones spewing out audio locking up phone lines at random and then when the offending phone is called back the 'victim' of illegal domestic spying is accused of recording people which they did not even know how to answer a 'voice mail' I left , about what happened, so, a "Friend" put their private voice mail on Speaker phone. They were threatened with ARREST and hid in their apartment until a 'wellness check' found them laying on the floor from a diabetic seizure and they got the 'greyhound treatment ' out of town , lost their apartment and are trapped 70miles from home , HOW many other such stories are there with 90BILLION records a day, A DAY being slurped globally, use low energy LED bulbs so they can have more electricity to do this?
Electronic Frontier Foundation has had lawsuits thrown out for over 12 year on this , the last time the judge said "you have to prove damage" , so beyond locking up fax software for MORE than one business in town for YEARS several other locals have had this happen from audio of phones all over the country and state, NOT from the same phone companies. Try again Amateur Shrink? Small minded people call crazy or conspiracy theory what they don't understand or don't want to look at the situation. "Condemnation absent examination is the HEIGHT of Ignorance duh? ( my reply to the skizo dig) and here's the first one where after 12 years of Gas Lighting foo foo and such I finally snagged one LIVE and on video after a Friday local call in, It took me a couple of months and I realized gee I have the passwords to all the ABc and NBc FTP productions and news folders, so I loaded it hundreds of times that summer from about april-may to August and no one called or contacted me to say QUIT THAT or tell us more of what this is, Shep on fox news did mention that one time on his show, 'now we find out the microphone cannot be turned off on the dang thing" , I'd like to think my nagging on this for 12 years at that point was a factor TIA and Clinton 'filegate' seem so silly now hmm... OH and a local Funeral home at some poin in the last 10 years told me "Here's this $3500fax machine we had to get to be able to send you faxes (someone ripped them off?) Personal TwiLighT ZoNe episode: "bandwidth bandits from 2009 loaded 4 years prior to snowden and I did not know about Russ TIce at the time ... This guy's Indianapolis phone locked up my phone 3 times in two days with sounds from his bedroom with his girlfriend... just gossip & be-moaning discrimination fortunately, Leandro Jerry had no Add Friend box ... "she don't understand" , his girl friend had the typical reaction when I had told them what hey had been talking bout "I AINT DOING NOTHING WRONG I DON'T CARE WHO IS Listening! " I don't know about you but given all the laws on the books how does anyone know if they are doing something wrong or might privide evidence that can be tweaked if you need 'messed with' and turned into a asset to set up someone you know ( Randy Weaver style, or use your imagination but 'we don't need no stinking warrants' you agreed to your prison cell phone Babylonian contract law agreement silly... < Leandro's 4th call BUT WAIT there's more see the channel... ... and here's the first one where after 12 years of Gas Lighting foo foo and such I finally snagged one LIVE and on video after a Friday local call in, It took me a couple of months and I realized gee I have the passwords to all the ABc and NBc FTP productions and news folders, so I loaded it hundreds of times that summer from about april-may to August and no one called or contacted me to say QUIT THAT or tell us more of what this is, Shep on fox news did mention that one time on his show, 'now we find out the microphone cannot be turned off on the dang thing" , I'd like to think my nagging on this for 12 years at that point was a factor TIA and Clinton 'filegate' seem so silly now hmm... OH and a local Funeral home at some poin in the last 10 years told me "Here's this $3500fax machine we had to get to be able to send you faxes (someone ripped them off?) Personal TwiLighT ZoNe episode: "bandwidth bandits from 2009 loaded 4 years prior to snowden and I did not know about Russ TIce at the time ... This guy's Indianapolis phone locked up my phone 3 times in two days with sounds from his bedroom with his girlfriend... just gossip & be-moaning discrimination fortunately, Leandro Jerry had no Add Friend box ... "she don't understand" , his girl friend had the typical reaction when I had told them what hey had been talking bout "I AINT DOING NOTHING WRONG I DON'T CARE WHO IS Listening! " I don't know about you but given all the laws on the books how does anyone know if they are doing something wrong or might privide evidence that can be tweaked if you need 'messed with' and turned into a asset to set up someone you know ( Randy Weaver style, or use your imagination but 'we don't need no stinking warrants' you agreed to your prison cell phone Babylonian contract law agreement silly... < Leandro's 4th call

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Michael Williamson
Michael Williamson 2 years ago

Live viewer has the same issues but as with most, they cannot grasp the significance of hearing into someone's living room while a phone is ON THE HOOK and how long the 4th Amendment is a JOKE meaning the government's OATH Swearing Officers are all pirates for decades since they are protecting a dishonest system built around constructive fraud where "Some animals are more equal than others" and the concepts of Equal Justice under the law or the Kindom of Yehshuah who is not a respecter of 'persons' is out the window for what lame excuses ? The Communists ? The Natzies ? How many with security Clearance in on this system are killed for their oaths to keep the secrets?

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