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Lake Vesuvius Lakeshore trail day hike

Greg Parker
Greg Parker - 1,007 Views
Published on 20 Jul 2018 / In Film and Animation

Our backpacking trip turned into a day hike of another trail instead. It was extremely hot and humid with little overnight parking.

Camera: Gopro hero 5 black
Edited with Filmora
Camera: Canon T6
Edited with Lightroom CC

Strike Force Energy

Strike Force #KickTheCan. Liquid concentrate that turns water (or anything else) into a great energy drink. And no sugar, no calories, no shaking, no stirring. Just great energy drink. I use Strike Force every day as my pre workout drink to get making steam. I also take Strike Force with me on the trail as it is in a convenient little packet that I can add to my water when I need more energy for the long trail.

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