LA Marzulli - Fallen Angels, Nephilim and the Book of Enoch
Author of The Nephilim Trilogy, Lynn Marzulli discussed his research into ancient manuscripts, UFOs, fallen angels and a race called the Nephilim.
The Nephilim were giants of extraordinary size and strength who were the offspring of fallen angels and human women, Marzulli explained, citing the Book of Enoch's account of the legendary race. Remains of Nephilim as large as 14 feet tall were on display in the first century AD, he noted. According to Marzulli, the fallen angels (or inner-dimensional beings as he sometimes calls them) who fathered the Nephilim are still allowed access to our planet and in recent times have been mistaken for extraterrestrials.
Original Show Date - 2005-10-06
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The Peruvian coneheads DNA were examined and found to be not fully human. Red haired Beings with 6 fingers and toes, double rows of teeth have been mentioned by American Indians and dug up in many places in N. America. Proff. Lloyd Pye described in his lecture, “everything you know is wrong” shows how Neanderthal man never disappeared as modern science says, but moved out of the primo niches to where we hear that Sasquatch, the Abominal snow man, the swamp creature, are the Neanderthals. History is just his-story. Archeology more and more confirms the Biblical history of the Old Testament.