Klaus Schwab March 1st 2016 WGS Fusion of 3 Things The Dawn of the Fourth Industrial Revoltionutions.mp4
Klaus Schwab March 1st 2016 WGS Fusion of 3 Things The Dawn of the Fourth Industrial Revolution
World Government Summit

You know I don't see a big eager acceptance of what this Bapho-met is saying? It looks like people are really shocked to hear his message about hooking ourselves up with AI...I dont think Arabs or any other Govts around the world really think hooking ourselves up thru forced vaxxes that actually contain a hidden OS is the way to go for anyone...Klause Slob is a high level Luciferian Priest in the New World Order...at 11:16 it should be noted that klausey boy is laying down the filthy eggs of the lice vermin he is...integrating AI into our brains by forcing this unto our people thru Govt....and Govt only? I wonder how much of the "upcoming pandemic" Klause the Mouse was reffering to when he spoke of equality with women...how they will die equally along with children and men in the upcoming 4th reich?
Klause is a satanist with world domination machinations and global aspirations of erradicating 90% of the earths human population...lets hope he is not succesful!