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Kimiversenshow The Top 10 MSM LIES, episode001 Who is Ray Epps Endless Money for Ukraine.mp4

AllTheWorldsAStage - 585 Views
Published on 03 Jan 2023 / In News and Politics

Kimiversenshow The Top 10 MSM LIES, episode001 Who is Ray Epps Endless Money for Ukraine
Kim Iversen

Kim Iversen: Top 10 Mainstream Media LIES That Ended Up Being TRUE After All

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Pedro-Martin de Clet
Pedro-Martin de Clet 2 years ago


Modern Jews are not Israelites or even Semites
The majority of modern Jews are Ashkenazi (from Germany, France, Eastern Europe and
Russia) and this faction dominates Israeli politics. These are not Semitic people at all but
emanate from a medieval Turkic / Mongol tribe called Khazarians who converted to
Judaism en masse in the 9th century. Ashkenazim means ‘Khazar Jews’; the Jewish
Encyclopaedia explains that these Jews were Khazars (or ‘Chazars’), a people of Turkish
origin genetically related to Hun, Uigur and Magyar tribes. The Khazar kingdom was
established in southern Russia before the foundation of the Russian monarchy by the
Varangians in 855 AD. Though some object to this, it has been advanced by rabbis since
the 19th century and has now been proved by genetics (published by Jews such as Eran
Elhaik in 2012 or Ariella Oppenheim in 2001); blood doesn’t lie. It is also affirmed by
certain modern Jewish historians (e.g. Shlomo Sand, history professor at Tel Aviv
University). Sand insisted that the Jews are not a race at all and have no Israelite
connection; Jews are an ethnic conglomerate; a religious community descended from
converts. Conversely, some Palestinians do have genetic proof that they are Israelite.
For example, a modern Jew claimed to be descended from Joseph but a genetic test
revealed that the person was 80% European and 20% Mongolian. The DNA of Jews
thought to be Kohanim (priestly class Jews) revealed that they were closer to Azerbaijanis.
This is common. Few modern Jews have Semitic blood, let alone specific DNA connected
to Abraham (which could not be proved anyway).
The smaller minority of Jews is Sephardim and in Israel these are persecuted by Ashkenazi
Jews. They emanate from Spain and North Africa and are descendants of the Edomites
that settled in Palestine after the Romans killed or deported all the Judaeans. This was a
fulfilment of the prophecy of Jesus that the Jews would be crushed to powder. The original
Judaeans of the Bible were wiped out and their house made desolate as Jesus promised
(Matt 23:34-38). Sephardim are Semites, descending from Esau (Gen 25:30) and a Hittite
woman, but God cursed these people (‘For My sword shall be bathed in heaven; indeed it shall come
down on Edom, and on the people of My curse, for judgment’; Isa 34:5) as Esau was rejected (Mal 1:3;
Rm 9:13). During the Maccabean Wars the Edomites were conquered by the Jews and
forced to convert to Judaism by John Hyrcanus [Josephus; ‘Antiquities of the Jews’, Book 13, 9:1.].
After the Fall of Jerusalem the Abrahamic Judaeans were either killed or sold off as slaves
to Arabs, Ethiopians and Egyptians. Edomites then resided in Palestine as Jews. The
Jewish encyclopaedias confirm this [Encyclopaedia Judaica, Art. ‘Edom’, Vol 6, p378, (1971); The
Standard Jewish Encyclopaedia, Doubleday, (1966), p592. The Jewish Encyclopaedia, Vol 5, p41, (1925)].
There are smaller factions of Jews, such as Ethiopian or Yemeni Jews or the Mizrahim,1
but these are comparatively few and are supposed subsets of Sephardim.
Thus the Jews that dominate Israeli and American politics are not Semites at all. In fact
the real Semites are Arabs, Assyrians and others descended from Ishmael. Furthermore,
many of the Palestinians persecuted and murdered by Jews are Semitic Christians. ‘Strictly
speaking it is incorrect to call ... a contemporary Jew an ‘Israelite’ or a “Hebrew”’

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