Kim Coleman answers 20+ questions about the 2nd Amendment with Sam Robinson of Utah Gun Exchange
Kim Coleman answers 20+ questions about the 2nd Amendment with Sam Robinson of Utah Gun Exchange.
Questions asked of all candidates who participated in this project:
1. What is your understanding of the purpose of the Second Amendment?
2. Do you believe the Second Amendment acknowledges an American citizen’s individual right to keep and bear arms?
3. What have you done to defend the Second Amendment?
4. What will you do to defend the Second Amendment?
5. Do you support gun-free zones, either public or private?
6. Will you ever support any bans or limitations on any particular firearms?
7. Will you ever support any bans or limitations on firearm accessories including bump fire stocks, performance trigger replacements and trigger enhancements?
8. Will you ever support raising the age to purchase a firearm?
9. Will you ever support Universal Background Checks?
10. Will you ever support any legislation that eliminates the private transfer of firearms without a background check?
11. Will you ever support any legislation that supports gun registration?
12. Will you ever support any legislation that supports a background check with a tie-in to medical records?
13. Do you support Concealed Firearm Permit limitations or expansion?
14. Do you support National Reciprocity?
15. Do you support the right to openly carry firearms?
16. Should a private business be liable for injury or death to a patron if it bans firearms on its premises?
17. Would you ever support a waiting period on the purchase of a firearm?
18. Will you ever support legislation that allows firearms to be taken from a person not convicted of a crime or without due process of law? Will you work to fix statutes that allow for that now?
19. Do you own firearms?
20. Do you shoot, and if so, how often?
Excellent answers. I will be voting for Kim Coleman. I met her at the Gun Saves Lives event. She has supported the 2nd Amendment for a long time. No other candidates in this race support the 2nd Amendment like her.