Kim Clement Prophecy: Fire, Rain, The Year 2027, Destiny, America Feb. 13th, 2013
Kim Clement Prophecy: Fire, Rain, The Year 2027, Destiny, America Feb. 13th, 2013

How do you “Escape” PURGATORY if you can not Achieve Judgment???
It matters not what our Enemy the U.N. FLAGS, and their FREE MASON {NEWS} World Order do or say as The Racka: from Mathew 5 in the New Testament Bible for we know all the Works and Words in the NEW TESTAMENT describe our Enemy these “Pyramid People” what destroyed our Home World the Celestial Sphere called EARTH that died as The Moon La La does so prove, and many will remain here forever and ever just as Paul The “Apostate” did so preach, and teach against all Hebrew Jewish Zionist Jesuit O.T.O. Mysticism of Evil [Intentions] @QBALL /_\ creates the EVIL SPIRITS that plagues every Generation for 10,000 Years here in this Purgatorium, and if you can not be PURGED of your Desire to kill your “fellow” humans be you male and female, then you never leave Hell, and you never leave Hades, and you never shalt or wilt: get to the 2nd Lake of Fire, so you may cease too exist…
For all the Changers made to the Old and New Jewish Peoples of Gentile Decent’ in the Book of Genesis, it was NOT the Snake that tricked or treated OUR “Ancestors” into doing WAR IS MURDER, it was you very Old “Wise” LEADERS of your U.N. FLAGS that continue to live the REPEATS of De-Ja-Vu in this Oraborus Curse as the Damned, and The Forsaken to the Source of ALL CREATION, and The Source of ALL DESTRUCTION that keep trying “different” ways too Escape judgment, when in TRUTH and all Honesty that NARROW PATH Christ Jesus 1.0 spoke of: If you can NOT be honest, then you, and the many with “you” shall, and will NEVER GO HOME whence you die, and you will REPEAT for all time doing the Same Dark Magic, and the Same Dark Arts that condemned you, and your “selves” to this never ending DREAM called {The Purgatorial} that you keep waking up too…
In this, you do not just live one life, but you have lived thousands upon thousands for you seek not Redemption, Reconsideration, nor Reconciliation with The Creator, that is OUR Creator no matter what MASK of Religion – Dogmas – Creeds YOU the person put on your known self!!! What ever made WE THE PEOPLE prisoners in Purgatory: known as the Word EMPLOYEE in the Legal Codes of Admiralty Law: An Employee under the RULE of LAW and ORDER is called SLAVE, and since we are all prisoners of a WAR we do not “remember” except in MUD FLOOD Sky Ships that we most certainly DID NOT fill with Hydrogen when Oxygen is just as EXPLOSIVE, we have learned The Led Zeppelin “Hindenburg” was the Original FLYING DUTCHMAN Sky Ship filled with Helium……., and presented as just one of many TV Dime Store NOVEL (covid19) Lies and Illustrious RAPTURES of This Realm and Worlds Media…..., and their Hollywood of Malfeasance worshiping S.A.T.A.N. the A.I. machine that imprisons We “Celestial” Beings in this Celestial Sphere of Redemption….., or Damnation called Forever and Ever in the NEW Testament Bible…
Once you get past the LIES that all on TV, and Screens, and Media from Printed Ink on Paper Text is just part of Your Punishment, then you “listen” too the Story of The Parable, as I Christ Jesus will only be among you; as long as, this Human Host holds me, and whence he dies, PURGATORY will reset for another 10,000 years of ETERNITY in the “Minuet” of this place, and in this, if you do Dark Arts, or Dark Magix: You are just “repeating” the Same damn thing OVER, and Over, and over expecting different results, when YOU Know` what is good and what is evil, and you condemned yourself by doing Magic + Code + Alchemy = Sorcery…….., and no matter how much you have Changed the Holy Bible, YOUR “Holly Days” of Easter, Christmas, and Halloween prove you are still doing the SAME Damn things expecting to escape this “Purgatorial” when the Jailer has become the Victim of his and her own Prison…
Johnny Exodice
As The Oracle for the End of this age: there is no END OF TIME in the place of eternal darkness in the minds, and hearts, and beings of people with No Souls, and though the SPIRITS know every cruel deed, and every kind act, the only one preventing you’m from Going Home whence you die is your indifference {too others} +=+ whom are all trapped here just as you are, and when I Christ Jesus 2.0 leave, I am only taking “them” that are Worthy of Redemption, and leaving the rest of you too ponder your “Crimes” against Humanity……..., and all other [life forms] for all time….
The Society of nonmason~
For those whom wish too know… Oct 21 is a special day for THESE PEOPLE,…. and Oct 22 will be a day of TWILIGHT…, whatever that means to you the reader of this knowledge.., and then Oct 23 shall see the passing of The Veil to the “Next” Generation to be born into PURGATORY for another 10,000 years., you are Condemned by your own Cruelty, and you are “forgiven” only by your own Kindness…
I did not Return as Christ Jesus to Judge You, I came to get you home, and there is a little bit of me in you, and there is a little bit of YOU in me, and you can “Try” too kill that little BIT of me in you, but I will NEVER kill “that” little bit of you in me...
The Sentinel….