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Katt and the Occult: Pt 3 Geneticus Temporica - The Ultimate Katt Decode and Beyond “Katt and The Occult” is a five part series that Decodes all of the hints Katt Willams has given us in his

Patrick Budrionis
Patrick Budrionis - 245 Views
Published on 12 Apr 2024 / In News and Politics

Katt and the Occult: Pt 3 Geneticus Temporica - The Ultimate Katt Decode and Beyond

“Katt and The Occult” is a five part series that Decodes all of the hints Katt Willams has given us in his public appearances. The information learned in this series is extraordinary and has been confirmed accurate.

00:06:27 – Bloodlines, DNA and Fallen Angels
Origin of Vampire Cult
Adam and eve – DNA fruit – Blood and light
Corrupt the blood of man
Storing Data on DNA

00:11:50 - Third Strand, and evil manipulation of DNA
Anti-Christ genetics
The most High El Elyon
Destroying Woman's cells and DNA altering

00:17:50 – DNA Modification vs Tree of life vs Bible
Genomes from mom and dad = 144,000 Theory

00:20:30 – History of Alchemy and mind control
Egyptian Mythology

00:23:50 – Current technology of mind control
Neuralink – Linking our minds
Elon musk – Electric cars
Industries built on information gate keeping

00:31:50 – How our Data is obtained
Smart devices listening
Facebook paying outside contractors
50 million Facebook users Data was hacked

00:36:35 – Data Applications and reading mind
Stable Diffusion AI decoding thoughts
Dream ads
Invading all privacy and predicting behavior
Congress Frazzle Drip Clip
Wifi Sonar map out rooms and people
Social Credit System

00:51:12 – Data being weaponized against us
Fusion Centers
Government vs Domestic Terrorism
Infraguard - Weaponizing elite citizens

00:55:16 – Automated Vehicles – Give up all rights to drive
Uber never made Profit
Onstar can control everything in your car

01:03:40 – Neuralink vs zombies

01:04:47 – Luciferin vs mark of the beast:
Luciferin is what came into Adam when he fell?

01:11:56 – Elon Musk / X payment system
Elon + Bill Gates Vaccine

01:17:50 – X Connection and Christos
X meaning Ant-Christ

01:23:02 – X points and Portals

01:29:00 – Dimensional Beings in History
Zecharia Sitchin – Emerald Tablets
Reptilians Theories
“everything in nature is a formula.. Science and math go together with the Occult”

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