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Kamala Harris Says Freedom Means Banning AR-15s, National Gun Registry, & Red Flag Laws

TwoFeather - 511 Views
Published on 24 Jul 2024 / In

Kamala Harris at her first Presidential campaign rally said, “Every person in our nation should have the freedom to live safe from the terror of gun violence. We’ll finally pass red flag laws, universal background checks, and an ‘assault weapons’ ban.”

Kamala Harris is pushing for red flag laws, which are a slap in the face to the 2nd, 4th, and 5th Amendments. Then, there are the universal background checks that require a national gun registry of all guns. And what happens next when the government knows what guns you have and their current laws aren't working to keep you safe?

Then Kamala Harris is all in for an AR-15 ban and CONFISCATION.

But here’s the kicker: trading our freedom for the promise of safety? That's the oldest trick in the book.

History is full of tyrants who dangled the safety carrot in exchange for liberty.

Spoiler alert: it never ends well for the people.

Confiscating the most popular rifle in the country? That’s not freedom. That’s oppression.

The AR-15 is America’s rifle, and taking it away from law-abiding citizens isn’t going to make us safer. It’s just going to make us more vulnerable.

Does anyone else find it ironic she wants to not only ban but confiscate the one type of gun that gives the people the most power to fight back against a tyrannical government?

No surprise from Kamala.

She fought to keep non-violent offenders in jail for cheap labor. Even after the Supreme Court ruled California’s prisons unconstitutional, her office argued to keep inmates for cheap labor.

And let’s not forget her infamous stint as San Francisco's district attorney, where she actually laughed about jailing parents over truancy. That’s right, she found it amusing to punish parents who were struggling to get their kids to school.

The only way Kamala knows how to deal with issues is through tyranny.

Her track record is a testament to that.

Instead of addressing the root causes of problems, she opts for heavy-handed measures that do more harm than good.

In the words of Benjamin Franklin: “Those who would give up essential Liberty to purchase a little temporary Safety deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.” Giving up our essential freedoms for a false sense of safety doesn’t make us safer—it just makes us stupid.

Freedom is the ability to protect yourself, not depending on a government . whose only idea of keeping you safe is to take away your ability to keep yourself safe.

I Am the Militia

AR-15s are protected by the Second Amendment!

Let me know your thoughts in the comments!

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JamesRoss 8 months ago

The secret communists are already in most government positions of authority... overnight they can all flip the switch and stop pretending to not being murderous, genocidal thUgs.... overnight the government Freemasons switch over to communism-tyranny... that is the trap that the secret societies have formed around the sleepy sheep, slowly conditioned to think the Freemasons will keep them save and protected from harm.

Canada's Freemasons are already training the CCP how to function in Canadian winter conditions. The Russians already know about the winters of Canada. Canada is just a stepping stone to the USA.

Canadian military is all Masonic. The Reserve-Forces are Demolay, Job's Daughters and Masons... I grew up watching how the secret societies running everything important in Canada.
The NWO has been attacking the West from within since JFK was murdered as a warning in the 1963.

AI enhanced hivemind-coordinated attacks have been conducted by the secret societies since 2020... that was the secret beginning of WWIII. Ukraine is just a Masonic facade to drain defence equipment away from the West. I wonder if they just destroy the equipement where both Putin and Western traitors work together destroying the stuff so Russia and CCP have less resistance to deal with.

Harris is just pushing for dumbing down the sheep for the slaughter-house. Everyone needs an AR-15 and then the Freemasons are afraid to put on the communist uniforms hidden away for now.
Your grandmother need an AR-15, too.
Freedom from tyrants depends on their fear for their own lives. Once they lose that fear of freedom-fighters they will be walking the streets conducting their Operation-Covid-19 genocide for their NWO-Utopia for thugs.

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