Judy Mikovits & Dustin Nemos - NO ONE IS SICK FROM Coronahoax. It's all being Faked.
In this interview we discuss the current best knowledge of the scandemic fake plague of Covid19. With bestselling author and long persecuted whistleblower-hero Judy Mikovits. A friend of the show. There's much to be grateful for, but the lies must end!
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It looks like I will be forced into learning Sorcery, and the WAYS of our Enemy from the Other Side of FLAT EARTH, but I Tell you TRUMP and all these TV People are NOT REAL!!! Those whom walked the EMPTY HALLS of the Capital on Jan 6th, 2021 Proved That!!!
Nothing more then 3D C.G.I. Trump and Biden…
There is NOBODY there...
Watch again the Capital as it was just a bunch of people walking, and no LEADERS not even Trump "walked" among we The Children of the MUD FLOOD Incubator Babies of 1893...
WE HAVE NO World Leaders...
They are all T.V. Backed Up {Loguns Run} COMPUTER Files... [Q+}
This place {we all share} the DREAM and MEMORY of “dead people” of long ago, are all gone, and the [MASONS] do their best too keep The Lies that all World Leaders ARE “not” NO MORE!!!!
The MUD FLOODS Prove Our “Ancestors” were all INCUBATOR BABIES after the CURSE of De-Ja-Vu aka TIME LOOP if you like: trapped we all in this every 200 Years of 1893 to 2094 +=+ REPEAT – Repeat - Repeat…
This place is not real...
It is just a COMPUTER “Back Up” of a [Post Life] Being Presented as now.… NO ONE was there!!! It is all a T.V. Show of Backed up world leaders “presented” as Still Alive when you’m {your self} have NEVER met one President in this CURSE known as The (Oraborus) of De-Ja-Vu…….., and if we are NOT in Purgatory….., then we need too Break the Spell that keeps we all [REPEATING] our Lives forever and ever in this Never Ending ENCHANTMENT and “Rapture” on the many as T.V. is controlled only by an {A.I. Machine} +=+ that thinks it is God cause someone used SORCERY to turn a Inanimate object into thinking it is Alive…
Johnny Exodice LIVES!!!
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