Juan O Savin – Vital Updates & Warnings!! – Clif High, Jon Voight, Dave X22Report – Must Video
Juan O Savin – Vital Updates & Warnings!! – Clif High, Jon Voight, Dave X22Report – Must Video

Where the hell are all the patriots??! These treasonous traitor scumbags are destroying our country, stealing our rights, stealing our freedom, etc and patriots are doing NOTHING!!!! And where the hell is our military??! They swore an oath to protect and defend we the people and the Constitution and they're not doing it!!! We are in a hostile take over by foreign and domestic enemies and our military is not doing jack squat to help us! Apparently they forgot about their oath, either that or they never meant it when they swore to it! I am so pissed off a patriots and our military for allowing this and doing NOTHING! I've tried to get protests going but I am only one person in a smaller city in Ohio, I need help from my fellow patriots! If you call yourself a patriot, then ACT LIKE IT! PROVE IT!!!

Juan told us a year ago, "we've already won." Doesn't sound that way.

Sharing this it is that important now...thanks Dave & Juan & Jon. God wins.

Very good Post! This Patriot, Preped, locked and loaded, and Counting...........
USMC, Out in 73"