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Joy Behar Gets CAUGHT - 'The View' Host ENDED By Reality!

KeepItMovin - 257 Views
Published on 13 Jun 2024 / In News and Politics

The View crew does their best to help create a case to against SCOTUS Judge Samuel Alito by sharing a secret recording of a conversation between the judge, his wife and journalist Lauren Winsor (who approached them pretending to be a Conservative Catholic). Winsor did her best to try and bait the Catholic Judge into saying things that were controversial to be used against him. The shady journalist also got the Judges wife talking about her dislike of having to see the Pride flag being flown around for the month of June. Of course this lit a fire under the bums of the Left and their god of politics. Listen into the recordings, do you feel that there was anything said by the couple the would lead to Judge Alito stepping down from his position?
#scotus #joybehar #theview
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For Ourselves And Our Posterity

Funny how Goldberg changed her name to sound Jewish to get acting gigs. Shows her fundamental morality (or lack thereof).

The leftist activist was pushing situational ethics/political expediency with Alito, just as the View pushes the same moral code with their audience. However, by supporting the higher law (the law of God) Alito undermined their position and their rationale. He believes in the rule of law, while the left believes in the rule of political power, as was demonstrated by the undercover reporter and the women on the View.

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