Jordan Peterson - Hard Truths You Have to Accept to Be Successful
Jordan Peterson - Hard Truths You Have to Accept to Be Successful

Becoming Hysterical shall NOT help you leave this "plateau" EARTH in any way…
Yes Purgatory is a Plateau as it is called The Face of the Earth in the Bible and many other old world PRE MUD FLOOD world WARS Books.....
How I wish I could merge with your minds as Our God Does, so I could see the things, youm have seen while sleeping in the SPIRIT World called VR Dreaming, and then the things like JAMES: The Impossible Channel on YouTUBE with all that funkified Reality here in our Shared Memory of What was, What is, and What will be being the De-Ja-Vu of this Oraborus Cursed place known as Purgatory…
Wanted to say that the Bible is correct that Drinking and being wasted all the time is NOT THE WAY, and though as The Oracle I have had to do many things too break free from the Mind Control, there is nothing wrong with a Drunken Rebel staying "Sober" till the end of Days in 2094 CE here in the Days of Noah ONE LAST TIME!!!
So go to your AA and NA Meetings in your VR Meta Omni Rooms, and spread the Word that Christ Jesus Returned walks among we the people ONE LAST TIME the Good News of the Gospels of all true INK on Paper books about Our God!!!
Whatever VOO DOO was weaved into the making of this New Mattress, NOW that I am no longer sleeping on it, my Poo has turned to BILE as the Human Body of Flesh and Blood and Bone is Self Healing, and Self Repairing [ONCE] Qballs~ /_\ you stop taking whatever is poisoning you......., and No longer do I see a "Weevil" becoming a Black Spider weaving a Web About my Room and my Bed whence I awake........., and the Black Diamond has now turned into a fading {Black Blob} with no Webs around it, nor about my head…., mind, Soul, SPIRITS aka My thoughts....
Today My Rag Tag Rebellion we are going to consider what the Houses are and mean in our Shared Celestial Sphere with the INNER EARTH and the other side of this world…
Not only that, but if it be the Will of The Spirits aka Our God we shall learn much more today at Our FLAT EARTH Magical Academy "offline" Gaming LAN Party Study Rooms, and since I am only Christ Jesus Returned, nothing will change for The Dammed, The Cursed, nor The Forsaken, so do not act like them, dress like them, nor behave like them be you 100% Android Blood – Hybrid Blood – 100% Human Blood because Blood is thicker than Water, but it is NOT as Pure as the Holy Water Spirit!!!! aka Fuck Your Blood!!!
Get off whatever {ENTERTAINMENT} [{**}] is in you: from Hexes to Curses to Charms to Enchantments too especially THE RAPTURE of these TV Screens doing and casting (Voo Doo) /-\ into your Minds - Souls - Spirits........, and their Hollywood FAKE JEWS from the Book of Revelation "Thoughts" as suits, and ties, and skirts with all their Capitalist LIES AGREED UPON…
This Photo is a [Depiction] of the Interior of our MOON known as The Awful Horror of our Dead Home World in the New Testament Gospels... What some might say that Scar was the WAR in Our Mother Heaven, as we Look like Grasshoppers Watched down here on OUR Father Earth.....
Francisco 7 aka #JINX ?