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Jones Hides The Monopoly That Freemason/Luciferians Have Throughout The West

JamesRoss - 17 Views
Published on 17 Oct 2024 / In People and Blogs

You know Jones is a faker when he continually pushes his non-sense that the NWO is having trouble...
the NWO is now ruling most countries around the world with A.i.-world-governance ruled by "Lucifer." Jones knows this but instead he hides the brainchip-hivemind that is now linking into the STARLINK satellites for hivemind-connectivity even over the oceans far from cellular-towers. Jones is a Judas Goat taking your thoughts in the wrong direction. Giving the dumbed-down sheeple a false sense of superiority... funny how easy the sheeple are tricked.

The very fact that Europeans and North Americans cannot stop the influx of illegals tells you that Jones is just doing more deception for his cUlt masters.

What is more convincing than a judas goat insider like Jones? Well, three judas goat working together. If anyone is exposing the brainchip-hivemind-army, then they are having assassination attempts on their live on a weekly bases... which means they are likely going to be dead. But the Creator-God gives everyone infinite probabilities to survive to an old age. What this means is your soul is at the center of it's own perspective of physical reality with a spiritual-basis. This is where the Sethbooks teach you that "You create your own reality" based upon your desires, beliefs and choices through the probabilities offered to you. Your beliefs and desires will guide what probabilities are offered. You already have an eternal soul which is having a physical experience to get you to show your true colors while being a kindergarten-soul-fragment.
If you can lovingly defy the tyrannical thUggery of Mystery School cUlt minions and their ancient Homo capensis monsters. Then your soul-fragment may be strong enough to grow into a worthy entity since you remained spiritually-worthy within the physical playground challenge.

Now, if you look at these public media people who keep lying through their teeth at how honorable they are while serving the ancient devils, Homo capensis, committing secret-genocide of their own human genetics. You will be witnessing the destruction of those souls who have chosen (by their own free-will) to steal the labours and the value-fulfillment, the lives, away from loving, good people.

I watch Jones broadcast in 2018 with his depiction of the brainchip-hivemind finding sleeper-brainchipzombies, taking their bodies over(Dr. Duncan called this "Heterodying"... Captain Hoff showed one rat heterodying another rat through the internet).

Jones was furious with Alan Watt during his last guest appearance in an Infowars Interview. Why was Jones pissed at Watt? Because Alan was too open explaining to a caller that Jones was the Mystery School cUlt chosen "champion" for misleading the sheeple away from what matters in stopping the NWO-takeover of Western Civilization. Watt was poisoned by Canadian thUgs the same week that I planned a surprise visit to speak with Alan back in 2015/16. Watt discovered the medical-mafia hiding out in his Ontario hospital where they refused to treat him with the proper medicines. They said he was too old for Luciferians to bother wasting the good-stuff on him. Watt was a rebel to the thUgs running Canada... they poisoned him in the first place, why would they bother to cure their poison's effects?
If you are not in the cUlt, you best stay out of hospital death-zones for the non-cUlt-sworn people.


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