Johnny Cash & June Carter Cash | Original Airdate: 05/07/1980 Johnny Carson Tonight Show
Check out the great patriotic song starting at about the 4-minute mark of this episode from Johnny and Johnny -- I call it the two Johnnys.
I loved watching the Johnny Cash Variety Hour with my dad from the late seventies too.
Original Airdate: 05/07/1980
#johnnycarson #johnnycash #thetonightshow
Love this episode -- I was hooked immediately but getting the patriot song and June Carter was a pure lovely bonus. Thanks for this posting!
Back when television and late-night shows were entertaining.
That is gold. Just genuine, real people, having a chat, singing a song or two. It was worth staying up late for then and it's a shame nothing like this exists today.
That was- hands down- one of the best, most entertaining interviews of two celebrities I've ever seen. And Johnny Cash singing that 2nd song about patriotism- wishing our kids today could see more wholesome performances like that.

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June's voice on I'm Going To Jackson is just freaking fantastic! Best duet ever!