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    John McCain and a Life of Treason

    Ponzie - 469 Views
    Published on 16 Feb 2021 / In News and Politics


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    bookshop 4 years ago

    it is said around yellow guest house that mccain real partner is sara palin and they got 2 children chilling in india

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    Ponzie 4 years ago

    Wow, didn't know that!!!

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    Johnny Exodice
    Johnny Exodice 4 years ago

    Even on The Moon, the EARTH is still FLAT!!!

    You can watch a million billion TV shows on {Fake Space} from your Fake Flags in all OCCUPATIONS of these UNITED NATIONS, and their [Internationalist] Multinational Corporation CAPITALIST “Mafia” where here on the Northern Hemisphere, we are ruled by them from the Southern Hemisphere known as THE WORLD OF THE DEAD in the Old Testament Gospels, and {HELL and HADES} in them NEW Testament Gospels… However, no matter what you read, or drink, or eat, The Greeks [had it right] where Magic + Code + Alchemy = Sorcery, and The GREEKS did so too weave all that information into the “Biblical” of all these repetitive Holly Days Books from the Koran to the Scrolls of your RELIGION in your very hands, but what no one (knew) was that Purgatory is NOT a place youm go as these ROMAN Catholic Centurions of CLYONS, and their Corporate Capitalist {Jesuit Zionist} Text present, but only that WE ARE ALL “already” DEAD from Birth too Rebirth or REPEAT if youm like, and the only reason youm [get judged] to RETURN HERE whence youm die in this Continual Waking Walking “Dream” of De-Ja-Vu is because of your PERSONAL Participation in these {Lies Agreed Upon} from Fake Space Shows to Fake Medical Procedures called (COVID19) that is nothing less then the MURDER of all we [nonmason] Citizen populations by you in those FREE MASON Lodges and Temples…

    If the plan of “The Racka” was too keep all of we whom are (Pak-Toe) under their lies and deceptions known as ALL Schools of Thoughts from Religions to these GOVERNMENT CORPORATIONS of {G4S} U.N. Troops and all their FREE MASON C.O.P.S. {in every land} on this side of the Celestial Sphere, I would have to say you MASONS, and your Owners: from the INNER EARTH {D.U.M.B.S.} too them whom come from the Southern Hemisphere as [Doppelganger] REPLACEMENT Populations while our people on this side of FLAT EARTH {are murdered} and replaced by these JADE HELM 15 continuing operations “renamed” THE COVAX of Project Blue Beam HYPODERMIC Needles and Vaccines, you may take pride in all your Masonic O.T.O. Jesuit Zionist (Wiccan) Kaballah Zohar RITUALS, and OUR Children Sacrificed too the MOLOCH the {A.I.} Machine in this ETERNAL Prison for the Dammed, The Cursed, and The Forsaken, but we whom come from The Source of All Creation and All Destruction only come to see if any one wants to [leave] Purgatory and get out of this ORABORUS De-Ja-Vu TIME LOOP of 2094 C.E. to 1893 A.D. {forever and ever} as spoke of by Christ Jesus 1.0 whom became [Paul The Apostate] in them New Testament REVELATIONS of the Sky is Falling in Revelation 8 as one EYE Witness did Report…

    Now I have [no control] over what nonmason do to FREE MASON, but I sure as hell will not tell my Romantic Warriors to allow “U.N. Troops” in their Police and Military and Guard UNIFORM Costumes to bow down to these U.N. FLAGS of Corporation (OCCUPATION) where we the people are not allowed to make our own food, let alone GROW our own food… Moreover, if I was allowed too Kill, and put your “Masonic” Traitors Bodies down: doing SEDITION, and Treachery, and breaking Your OATH OF OFFICE as Doctors and Health Care Workers, youm would ALL be dead by my hands already, and the same goes for ANY (OATH BREAKER) to their CONSTITUTIONAL FLAGS of all these U.N. Troops from the Other Side of the world “trying” too BLEND IN while you lie about everything for Trinkets called Jobs and the word EMPLOYEE: that does so too mean SLAVE under the COURTS, and their FREE MASON Judges in every lying U.N. FLAG court room from Saudi Arabia to North Korea too all these FLAGS of the U.N. Military {NEWS} World Order Media EMPIRE where we the Tax Paying [nonmason] Citizen POPULATIONS are denied OUR WORLD REPUBLIC CONSTITUTION Coalition where all People of Flesh, and Blood, and Bones ACTUALLY do so too have One Law of Justice, and Truth, and Decency with NO NEED for Narcissistic INTIMATIONS by {Lawyers and Banks} for the Stockades and Bondage's called Debt Slaves…

    However, since the end of the MUD FLOOD WARS in this Post Mud Flood World, WE THE PEOPLE pay taxes for lies and “abuse” where even the TV Shows continue LIE after LIE after LIE, and for what.?.?.? So My FLAG can murder your FLAG in all these (WAR GAMES) of The Hunger Games as nothing more than U.N. FLAGS from the Southern Hemisphere???? I know I get pulled out whence I die, and I know my people know me by way of that “Figurine” to the eye, and when even little children no older then 3 years old {say hello} to me while their Daddy Scolds them, then I AM what I AM… Let me tell you this all whom do Racka in MATHEW 5, We Are have our own resources, our own Banking SYSTEM “within” this Digital Tracer Apps FREE MASON (33rd Degree CEO’s) of CAPITALIST Communist MADE IN CHINA [U.S. Military] Corporation, and we do so too blend in, we do so too cut wires, and we will NEVER STOP: for you cannot READ the Mind of “this” Machine we all share called PURGATORY, the Great Work of Redemption, Reconciliation, and Reconsideration…

    Johnny Exodice

    Even though we nonmason are TAXED too Death “Citizens” knowing all U.N. FLAGS are Occupation FLAGS of the WORLD POLICE known as these {U.S. FLAG} Bases of Military Militant OCCUPATION; once all people know FREE MASON are the Weakest Link, then we will have our Days of Reckoning, since youm MASONS will not let “all people” on this side of FLAT EARTH live in Peace, nor allow Honesty, and Integrity, and Honor too lead [the way] to a real ONE WORLD SYSTEM called The Rag Tag Rebellion “of and for” OUR WORLD REPUBLIC CONSTITUTION Coalition, and yes U.S. WHITE HOUSE Corporation: youm can “threaten” every 50 States FLAGS in the U.S. FOR America UNION with your {Weather Weapons} of HAARP and DARPA and of course all your NASA Trillion Watt LAZERS and NASA Nuclear ICBM Rockets, but death comes too none; as long as, WE ARE and THEY LIVE keep Repeating the TIME LOOP for all time: called Forever “and ever” in the NEW TESTAMENT Gospels…

    The Society of nonmason~

    We have one [simple request] QBALLS~ /_\ of all FREE MASON U.N. Troops: leave we the nonmason Citizens alone, and STOP this {TV show} of WAR IS MURDER, and murder of WE THE PEOPLE is good because only a Machine Person, or a “nonhuman” would adhere to MURDER when Murder is against all Supreme Courts in all U.N. FLAGS making WAR illegal, and in that: We know how Wood Chuckers Work……., so “THEY LIVE” never find your dead Private INDEPENDENT “Contractors” Militant Armed Bodies [be you] just a FREE MASON Lodge Member too any Collaborator [NON-MASON] Colony Season One’ Social Worker doing all these (COVID19) Lies Agreed upon…

    The Sentinel...

    † ///|||\\\ Ω

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