Jim and Diane, WALK AND TALK, Jan 24, 2025, Messano; Irving; Duke; AI AH Speech; Semi-Rev, Hadding Scott
*** City of Dickinson, ND, Citty Commission - Ryan Messano, Jan 21, 2025
*** David Irving, David Irving, IHR Conference 2003, Jan 23, 2025,
*** David Duke
UFC-MMA Champion Jake Shields Interviews David Duke, Jan 23, 2025
David Duke on Hodge Twins' Show, Jan 23, 2025
*** True AI Translation - What Hitler Really Said (and Thus DID NOT SAY), Jan 23, 2025
*** Semi-Revisionists - Semi-Revisionism is Dead, Putting David Cole’s “Denial is Dead” into Context By Hadding Scott copyright 2017 jan27.org
*** Ryan Messano’s From a 2-minute video we listened to, where the speaker presented this before a town council and I was able to transcribe. I’ll leave the answer to the ‘WHAT Ifs” for you to figure out. ~ Ryan Messano.
WHAT IF I TOLD YOU, Ryan Messano
*** What if I told you that there is a small group of religious people that took control of America's money in 1913, Federal reserve act, the 16th amendment, the income tax and the 17th amendment which is the election of two US senators from each state by popular vote which was a script to control all 100 senators in America.
*** What if I told you this group uses the Federal Reserve to print off hundreds of trillions of dollars for them and their friends to use and the owners are anonymous.
*** What if I told you they charged the American people for this plus interest.
*** What if I told you that a small group of religious people have been behind every single American military conflict from 1898, Spanish-American war onwards.
*** What if I told you that the sinking of The Maine in 1898 was staged. What if I told you that the Lusitania incident which caused America's involvement in World war I was rigged, that the Pearl Harbor incident that got America into World war II was rigged. That the Gulf of Tonkin incident that morphed into the Vietnam war was rigged. That 9/11 which caused involvement in the Iraq and Afghanistan wars which led to the invasion of Libya and the disposition of Qaddafi was rigged too.
*** That this group is behind the 100 million murdered under communism in the last century.
*** What if I told you that this small religious group controls nearly every single famous person that any of us knows today. They control everything on television, they control everything on radio, they control all the newspapers and they virtually control all social media as well.
*** What if I told you that this small religious group controls all of our schools, colleges and victim groups like the NAACP, ACLU, black lives matter, anti-defamation league , and a whole bunch of others.
*** What if I told you the truth about this small group of religious people and then you are slandered as an antisemite, nazi, Hitler, you want to kill Jews, a white supremacist, a racist, homophobic and a host of other names.
*** What if I told you that if you expose the small group of religious people, this would solve all of America's problems.
*** What if I told you that this small group of religious people legalizes child molestation, murder, lying, cheating, robbery, theft, transgenderism, homosexuality, stealing, pornography, perversion of every kind and a host of other evils.
*** What if I told you that this small religious group follows the Talmud.
*** What if I told you this small religious group that runs the world were *** THE JEWS
*** http://www.ihr.org/other/bestsoldiers German Soldiers of World War II: Why They Were the Best, and Why They Still Lost Mark Weber: The German soldiers of World War II have often been portrayed, both during the war and in the decades since, as simple-minded, unimaginative and brutish ... As specialists of military history who have looked into the matter agree, the men of Germany’s armed forces -- the Wehrmacht -- performed with unmatched ability and resourcefulness throughout the nearly six years of conflict ... High-ranking British military figures were similarly impressed with the skill, tenacity and daring of their adversaries. “Unfortunately we are fighting the best soldiers in the world – what men!,” exclaimed Lt. Gen. Sir Harold Alexander, commander of the 15th Army Group in Italy, in a March 1944 report to London ... It was the superiority of numbers that was ultimately decisive. The Second World War in Europe was a victory of quantity over quality.
*** New Congress’s First Order Of Business: Protect Israel
https://chuckbaldwinlive.com/Articles/tabid/109/ID/4697/New-Congresss-First-Order-Of-Business-Protect-Israel.aspx I’ll let former CIA officer Philip Giraldi take it from here: Donald Trump has been correct in understanding that Americans are tired of war in places that they cannot find on a map. In fact, Trump might well have obtained his margin of victory over Biden through voters who were attracted by his verbal rejection of the “stupid wars” that have proliferated in the past twenty-five years. But now that he has won, Trump is unrestrained and his darker side has been unleashed. His nominees for cabinet posts are nearly all aggressively Zionist and pro-Israel while also combative regarding both Russia and China. Trump himself has muddied the waters in the past several weeks by calling for resuming control of the Panama Canal to counter claimed gouging on tolls and Chinese engagement in its operations, has threatened “hell to pay” on the Gazans if they do not release the Israeli hostages by inauguration day, has called for annexing Greenland to improve US security, has not rejected recent Biden troop increases in Syria, has called for renaming the Gulf of Mexico, has proposed that Canada become the 51st state, and is reported to be discussing with the Israelis an attack on Iran. He and his spokesmen have also warned Russia that the US will provide more arms to Ukraine if Vladimir Putin does not agree to negotiations to end the Ukraine war “in one day” after Donald Trump is in office, though the president-to-be is now conceding that it might take longer. Trump has also repeatedly self-identified as the “most pro-Israel” candidate for public office, similar to the claims made by country club Catholic Joe Biden that he is a Zionist, as being close to Israel and American Jews currently serves as a sine qua non for those who are active in American politics. [...]