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Jim and Diane, WALK AND TALK, Jan 19, 2024, Fr LENZ; Glorying in Buildings or Ritual; The Targeting

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Published on 20 Jan 2024 / In People and Blogs

*** Fr Lenz: The Problem with Dr. E. Michael Jones's "Catholic Holocaust" The important parts of the police reports state the following: THE CONCORDAT - What did the concordat of 1933 do? By the terms of the concordat the church renounced all political activities and in turn the state guaranteed the right to free worship, to circulate pastoral epistles, to maintain Catholic schools and property.

"The Jesuit Priest Johann Lenz, born April 7, 1902 in Gratz, Dr., lives in Kalksburg near Vienna, A few weeks ago in St. Andrä in Carinthia, he incited the population with derogatory statements about the leader and the state leadership with the following statements: "Our newspapers are exaggeratingly inciting people against the Czechs, If a war breaks out, Germany will be alone, no one will help it, not even Italy. Hitler is Satan on the loose. All riots happen with his will. Hitler Youth of both sexes were left to their own devices naked in a room. Crucifixes are thrown out of schools and hospitals and we priests are not allowed to say anything but only preach water soup. Everyone of those who shouts 'Heil Hitler' will bitterly regret it. If we were still doing well, like the Sudeten Germans, we could be happy. Austria has been shamefully robbed and it is a disgrace that this could happen without resistance." The investigation into Lenz is continuing because there is a suspicion that he is delivering atrocity propaganda abroad. Johann Lenz was arrested for insulting the leader and spreading disturbing rumors. He tried to get into closer contact with the former Federal Chancellor Kurt Schuschnigg under the pretext that he wanted to confess to him. Johann Lenz was strongly suspected of being in close contact with enemies of the National Socialist state abroad. He was therefore initially left at large in order to be able to carry out unobtrusive surveillance. Johann Lenz received a document from the Jesuit priest Johann Aschauer, who lived in Kalksburg, under the position of 'descent of the Reichsleiter Rosenberg', which he occupied. He also copied a report on the 'Raid on the Archbishop's Palace in Vienna'. Father Lenz sent copies to Msgn. Karl Krenn, Graz Bürgergasse No. 2 and Frater Franz Prayer, Innsbruck, Strasse der Sudetendeutsche No. 6, and to the monastery burden Josef Fercher in the St. Andrä monastery in Carinthia. According to confidential reports, Father Lenz misused the confessional for political atrocity propaganda. He also made derogatory and hateful comments among his acquaintances about Gauleiter Josef Brückel. More reports to follow."

CONCLUSION: From the above report, we can begin to understand why Fr. Lenz was prosecuted by the German government and why it was right and proper of the German authorities to do so. He was inciting his congregation against the Reich by spreading false rumors. Worst of all, Lenz was using the Catholic confessionals in the Church to spread his seditious political activities! This was a gross violation of the concordat. Catholic priests are subject to their Bishops, just like a soldier in the military is subject to his general. As far as we know, no Bishops in the Reich instructed their priests to violate the concordat with seditious activities and use the confessionals in such a manner! Political clerics who actively engaged in criminal and treasonous activities were correctly prosecuted for their actions and Fr. Johann Lenz is but only one example of this. Even from the Church's perspective, Fr. Lenz acted against the will of the Church by engaging in criminal and unauthorized activities contrary to the instructions of his authorities both civic and ecclesiastical. The investigation into Lenz is continuing because there is a suspicion that he is delivering atrocity propaganda abroad.

John 4:20-24 - Jesus and THE WOMAN AT THE WELL (She said) 20 Our fathers worshiped in this mountain; and ye say, that in Jerusalem is the place where men ought to worship. 21 Jesus saith unto her, Woman, believe me, the hour cometh, when ye shall neither in this mountain, nor yet at Jerusalem, worship the Father. 22 Ye worship ye know not what: we know what we worship: for salvation is of the Jews. 23 But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshipers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him. 24 God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.

*** NO church can ‘save’ us.
*** Targeting whites/Christians

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