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Jim and Diane, WALK AND TALK, Dec 25, 2023 MERRY CHRISTMAS

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Published on 26 Dec 2023 / In

*** TRUTH BIBLE STUDY, #78, MERRY CHRISTMAS Special with Jim Rizoli and Diane King, Dec 24, 2023 CHRISTmas BEGINS WITH CHRIST,--78,-MERRY-CHRISTMAS-Special-with-Jim-Rizoli-and-Diane-King,-Dec-24,-2023:b

***WHAT DID CHRISTMAS MEAN FOR THE JEWS: What did it mean for JESUS CHRIST to come into our world, to be born AMONG US - what did that mean for the Jews - basically - GAME OVER - their judaism was supposed to morph into worship of THE SON in what was then called THE WAY or derisively (then) was termed Christianity. Judaism is a perversion for SO MANY reasons but LARGELY the promotion of REJECTING THE MESSIAH. For more info, contact Diane King - [email protected]/903-822-3212
*** 5 Reasons the Jews Rejected Jesus as the Messiah
*** Pastor Steven Anderson
****** The Jews Killed Christ.
****** The Israel (jews) today are NOT chosen.
*** Jim’s dream
*** Illegals and ‘the jews’
*** EMJ
*** Mt 27:25 - Then answered all the people, and said, His blood be on us, and on our children.
*** The catholic church could defeat the jews
*** Jews endowment to the goys - supporting the holohoax
*** Alex Jones

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